Friends with benefits?
Scoots:"Hey dork, let's skip class"
Spike:"Damn girl you're gonna get me in trouble with my mom"
Sc: "Yeah but she's like the director of something you can have some slack"
Sp: "Quite the opposite in fact, I already in trouble from the last time"
Sc:"C'mon I wanna show you some sick moves I've been practicing on my scoot"
Sp: "Fine but just an hour"Neither of their parents approve this kind of close relation :)
Another comic done, a short one it's true but I truly enjoy making it. I wanna thank my anon client who had infinite patient with me through this project.
Now the comic is done I would like to take a moment and discuss how odd this pair is, I don't remember a single time were Scootaloo and Spike interact in a significant way, not in the show neither in the comics, let alone any situation which may imply in the slightless they could end as acouple or any kind of relation.Usually they got paired with Rarity or Sweetiebelle in Spike case or Rainbow Dash and Rumble in Scootaloo's. I don't know why but it certainly inspired me a bit, odd couples are a thing and I hope I can experience more of that in the future ^
I don't know if there's gonna be a sequel and certainly don't expect any one soon I'm not taking anymore comic projects until I finish at least one of the other two I already have on my plate.
Lemme know other odd pairs you might think would work and why I might even do some fanart of them if I like them.Now back to work I'm so delayed with all my commissions XD