Bow Hothoof: Forever, and ever,
Is a very long time, Scootaloo.
Scootaloo: Spoken (Giggles)
Starts singing Forever isn't long at all,
When I'm with you...
I wanna call your names, forever.
And you will always answer, forever.
And all of us will be,
Forever you and me,
Forever and ever!
Bow Hothoof & Windy Whistles: Spoken-Chuckles as they smile
Rainbow Dash: Spoken-Chuckles as well Oh, sis.
Bow Hothoof: We wanna stay like this, forever.
Rainbow Dash: If only we can promise, forever.
Windy Whistles: Then we could just be we,
Forever you and me...
Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Bow Hothoof & Windy Whistles: Forever and ever.*
Rainbow Dash: Forever, and ever,
Is a very long time, Scootaloo.
Scootaloo: Spoken (Giggles) Forever isn't long at all, Dashie! (Giggles again)
Starts singing again When I'm with you...
Oh, I wanna be with you, forever,
I want you right here, beside me, forever!
Rainbow Dash: One thing you should know...
Windy Whistles: No matter where we go...
Bow Hothoof: We'll always be together.
Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Bow Hothoof & Windy Whistles: Forever and ever...
(The song ends)
Windy: Smiles warmly Scootaloo, sweetie, if ever there's a day when we're not together, there's something you must remember.
Scootaloo: Curious What?
Bow: You're braver than you believe.
Windy: And stronger than you seem.
Rainbow: And smarter than you think.
Scootaloo: I'm braver than I believe... And strong than I seem... And smarter than I think.
Windy: Giggles with delight Yes!
Bow: You've got it, kiddo!
Rainbow: And Scootaloo? You know what the most important thing is?
The three ponies then lift the little orange filly up
Bow, Windy and Rainbow: Even if we're apart, we'll always be with you.
Scootaloo: Smiles happily Thank you, Mom, Dad, Rainbow. I love you.
Bow, Windy and Rainbow: Smiles warmly We love you, Scootaloo
This picture is based on these:
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) and Rainbow Roadtrip are not canon.
Scootaloo gets adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original parents and two aunts pass away.