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Here's a alternate ending to The Last Problem...
Just before Twilight is about become the new ruler of Equestria, the purple mare start having nightmares of some her not-so-finest moments. No matter how hard she tried to brush them off and move on, they kept fogging her mind... Twilight started to think that she was not suitable to be ruler or princess. So, with deep sadness, Twilight Sparkle stepped down from ruler of Equestria, Princess of Friendship and Element of Magic... She left a note for her friends and family who were heartbroken when they found out. Everycreature try to find her, but sadly, they couldn't, for Twilight had gone a really long distance...
Twilight: I'll walk and walk all through the night,
Till I'm far away and free...
And when I get lost somewhere I'll know,
That no pony will find me...
But things are not the same as before,
Mistakes I make no pony can ignore...
I keep my mare and tail looking fine,
I try so hard to be on time...
But I'm not a useful pony anymore...
I'm not a useful pony anymore...
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