I finally decided to give Smite (Spike's dad) some siblings. I knew I drew a pic of him and his parents last week, but that was before these two were born. Inroducing Bumble (left) and Beam(right)! You have no idea how long it took me to come up with names for them. I literally made a list of like 30 different names that fit for MLP dragons. Some of those names might be recycled later for future characters, but for now, here's Bumble and Beam.
Bumble is the humble (hehe), dependable middle child who is a bit clumsy as his name implies, but he always gets back up.
Beam is an energetic, gutsy little girl that looks up to her older brothers and is super stoked to have her wings.
Well there's Smite's brother and sister. Full family pic coming soon!