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Dusty Hurricane is my headcanon for her original name
she was born in the family of very strong flyers and has been forced into trainings since she was a child
she appeared to be incredibly talented but it doesn't matter how hard her mother Grey Gale pushed her somehow Dusty still didn't gain her cutiemark of the flyer
that made her parents (especially her mother) very upset and disappointed in her
poor Dusty wasn't even allowed to have friends because her parents were afraid other families might somehow steal their secret training techniques but it's not like she had time to hang out with anypony anyway
but since they tried everything and she still didn't get her cm Dusty's parents decided to send her in the Young Flyers Camp assuming competing would force her to fly better
this is a very personal project to me so if you like it please say smth nice about it!!! and I'll provide you with more content <333
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