Oh, dear! Even though he is reformed, Pharynx can't help but fall back into old habits! He wants to try out a new bag that he's got. Pharynx wants his marefriend, Rainbow Dash, to be the first one to try. Of course, despite how much she loves him, Rainbow refuses. However, Pharynx had been taught by how to hypnotize others by Discord. So, the changeling put his hoof under the mare's chin, and once they've made eye contact, Pharynx starts showing colourful hypnotic rings in his eyes. Rainbow is taken aback at first, but she says nothing as her own eyes start reflecting those colourful rings. As soon she is fully hypnotized, Rainbow smiles as she looks at her changelingfriend. Once his marefriend is under his spell and showing colourful rings in her eyes, Pharynx's eyes return to normal. He then pulls out his bag and tells the rainbow-maned pony to climb in, promising her that she will safe and cozy. The hypnotized Rainbow smiles and climbs in. She sighed in bliss as she snuggles down. To her, it was like being hugged by her parents, her adopted little sister or a fluffy cloud. Pharynx then gave her a kiss on the lips before sealing the bag, making sure to leave a hole so that Rainbow could breath. After that, he heads off home, carrying Rainbow safely inside his new marefriend bag, safe, cozy, hypnotized and happy.
Me: You do know your brother will go crazy when he finds out about this, right, Pharynx?
Pharynx: Relax! I'm not planning on keeping her in there forever! Just for one night, and for special occasions.
Me: Sarcastically Really? And let me guess, you've changed the name of your prisoner bag to 'friendship bag'?
Pharynx: Well, no. I'm actually keeping my old prisoner bag in case of emergency. I'm working on a new friendship bag. The bag that I'm using is my special marefriend bag, just for Dashie.
Me: Still sarcastic Oh, really? Is it really? And what, pray tell, are you using your old bag for?
Pharynx: Well, at the moment, I'm using it to hold two ponies. By the names of.....uh... Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood, I think that's what their names are.
Me:....Actually, you know what? Keep your old bag. After all, as you said, best to have it in case of emergency. To myself At least Scootaloo won't have to deal with THOSE two again...
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.
Note: If anyone wishes to do a fanfic on this, by all means, go ahead! ^