You treacherous little shitbag!
Well here it is, the longly anticipated final entry to my "Spikes Revenge" project, I'm really going to miss doing these, I just want to thank you all for the love and support for my work on the series, I really hope you guys enjoyed these as much as I've enjoyed drawing them for you to give you all a cheap laugh ;]
The rest [oldest to latest]
Sleeping like a Lady:
Sleeping like a lady by megaphonnic
Place your Bets:
Place your bets by megaphonnic
Dashie does Docon:
Dashie Does Docon by megaphonnic
Sittn' Time:
Sittn' Time by megaphonnic
Rotten Apples:
Rotten Apples by megaphonnic
Also I called out some names in this one [if you're eagle eyed enough to spot them], So before you all jump to conclusions I want to clarify I hold no personal dislike or animosity towards Mr Mandopony, Mr Blackgryphon, Mr Dustykatt, and Mr Max Gildari [I do have reasoning for including them though, If you wish to skim then do so until you hit the Sceptical Scootaloo and Lardarse]
Me including Mandopony and Blackgryphon have nothing to do with the fact that I deteste their "Music".
Blandopony: As some of you may have already been aware of Some kid started a joke on 4Chan, Mando Took notice and retaliated, which of course resulted in hungry trolls worldwide getting a laugh, because the fact he reacted was fucking hilarious. it got heated for a while, but then simmered down, hopefully Mr Stein has learned to now take such crude comments with a pinch of salt, Sorry it had to happen Mando. We all know it is far too easy to retaliate....and get your mommy involved (LOL), [hopefully he's probably grown a thicker skin by now]
BlackGryphon: I noticed I spelled the name wrong in the pic, Whatever. The reason as to why he is on the cover of a magazine entitled "Douche Monthly" is frankly because I think he is one, I used to watch some of Crebers Videos on Youtube (Not so much now because there's only so much Creber I can take) in some of her later videos Mr Black Gryphon was included, with his girly voice and annoying stage presence, he brought out a cringe that I reserve specifically for Bronycon videos, I know he's having fun and has every right to, but I would like to give him a punch in the jaw.
DustyKatt: Self proclaimed "Manliest Brony". This living Oxymoron was in a video that was put up a few months ago from a convention, some blokes wanted a picture with Dusty and dropped spaghetti on the floor as a joke, Dusty threw a bitch fit and assaulted one of the guys by driving the spaghetti into his chest and then told them to fuck off, proving what a poor sport he is, and that he hates to see his darling spaghetti get harmed (Though I have heard some people say that the video was staged, if so he's a damn good actor!, though he still looks like the missing member of the YMCA, must be the moustache)
Max Gildari: Some of my mates who have met him say a nice bloke, which I'm not doubting, he's a decent animator, But The infamous MOV series is the reason he's included. The first one with Applejack was okay, but the ones that followed were not as amusing, I know they grown in popularity with each one [and so did the fucking stupid memes that followed], to me they just weren't as funny, his comedic flare seemed to have ended with the first one and he just relied on juvenile shock humour to compensate in the rest of them. He needs to pull his head out of his ass, and get a decent writer.
As I said before I have nothing personal against these guys, my work is to be taken with a pinch of salt, if you find it amusing, that's brilliant, thanks for being a good sport. If you're offended, then go sit on a giant rusty screw dildo ^ [like the one Applebloom found in her mothers grave in "Rotten Apples" that got banned from Equestria daily]
:iconscootscepticplz: :iconlardarserusplz:
It started with A sleeping pony and it ended with a sleeping pony, [But not with a dragon about to dump in their mouth]
Discord has discorded Shining and Cadence to do rude things to Poor Twi
Chrysalis is pen palling to Celestia under Twilights name
Sombra is fusing Owlicious to Smartypants
The FlimFlams are Spiking Sunsets drink [who's knickers seem to have fallen, Stay classy gurl!]
Trixie has summoned an Ursa Minor to impress Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon [unaware that it's the wrong kind of bear
The Diamond dogs have a parasprite to play with
Gilda is Chillin'
Oh yeah and Mr Chandler is getting frenched by Faust because they're the King and Queen of Bronies ;]
My 4 O.C's have turned into little plushies, see if you can find them!
I'm gonna try to get this on EQD (Hopefully Trixies message to Seth will be a golden ticket : D IF THIS DOES END UP ON EQD THEN PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!
Time: Too long to recall
Medium: Promarkers, flexmarkers, White gel pen, fineline pen