Saggy Slap and Zippy Doo
Heres the Ponies Im stuck with in this crazy world...OF DOOM!
Heres Zippy Doo, hes an orphan blank flank or WAS an orphan. Man you should of seen it, the second Saggitha found out that a long time ago, her only son did the nasty with some mare and this Colt came of it, she swept him up from that hell stable of an help work in her Dojo...Oh and provide the love and care a family member could give like mopping up the drenched dojo floors, doing the dishes, replacing the attack dummies, picking up Saggy's special bras and tea bags, and all kinds of stuff that at first had poor little Zippy doo fleeing from Saggy's Dojo to return to his friends back at the orphanage. Then after Saggitha's repeated wrecking and flooding of the area and said orphanage for her only flesh and blood (see, she does care), she AND Zippy were kicked out and received a Perma-Ban from the small establishment for homeless orphans (Zippy still sneaks in to hang with his 3 friends, I'll introduce them later). So Zippy's life is forever entwined with the only family hes ever known and didn't want. Eh, he'll warm up to the idea eventually...right?
Enjoy dat crappy dojoish background and text.
Fun Fact: Zippy only likes COW milk and only with tea, porridge, and cereal. He has such a deep love for apple juice that he'll drink a cold glass without even glancing at it...that glass Saggy gave him isn't apple juice and she stopped going to the local dairy years ago...XD He'll never learn
Any questions? feel free to ask.
These knuckle heads belong to me