Hol Horse is being serious about accommodating to kiss his marefriend, AJ argues that sitting or swooping her up while standing would be better for his back.
Not to say she doesn't appreciate his attempt~
I think what connects my love for both series is how genuine characters are in their actions that could be perceived as strange/ weird to the audience at first, yet it fits the logic of their worlds. It doesn't feel like a writer at the helm having a character be more of a caricature of someone odd than a true oddity. (aka "thEY'Re qUIrKy".)
||Another great example is the girl in the gif, Sawako Kuronuma- Because of her similar appearance to Sadako/ girl from the Ring, her classmates think she's aligned with the occult. When really, she can't smile on command, is quiet and polite, and laments about how she can't live up to hype of her scariness.||