It is a typical Spring Day like any other.
Puzzle was sitting on a bench, still feeling sad that Jim Henson passed a long time ago (in May 16, 1990)... she was still thinking about Kermit and Jim, too.
But her sorrow had interrupted when...
"There you are." Said a familiar voice.
Puzzle turns her head and was shocked to see Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Baby Flurry Heart.
The Princess of Love lifts a gift that says,
'To: Puzzle
From: Princess Cadance'
Along with an envelope with printings of the Muppets on it.
"We've been looking all over for you." Shining said, smiling.
Puzzle sniffles, still sad from Jim's passing from the '90s.
"Aw! You look so sad." Cadance said, sweetfully as she approaches her, "Is there something bugging you, bug-a-boo?"
Puzzle sniffs again, then she finally says in a sad mood, "Oh, nothing personal. sniff Except Jim passed a long time ago, and I still missed him."
"That is also why I'm here." Cadance replied, hanging Puzzle her gift with her magic.
"What's this?" Puzzle asked, not feeling sad anymore.
"Since you've been thinking about him, we thought we might give you something from Disney's Hollywood Studio to cheer you up." Shining said.
'Strange.' Puzzle thoughts quietly, 'Have ponies ever been to Disney World before?'
"Oh, and before you open it..." Cadance said before getting closer and whispers in her ear, "You wanna read the letter first."
Puzzle gasp and opens the letter first.
She opens the envelope with her magic, she has a card from Jim Henson before he passed... turns out Jim was still in his Father's House before his sickness gets worse.
Puzzle opens the letter that says in Jim's writing,
'Dear Puzzle,
I know you've been a fan of the Muppets from the very beginning
and i'm very glad of it.
I know i'm still in the hospital, but i'm letting Steve Whitmire writing this for me
before i'm gone.
For that, Cadance and I give you a little something from all your love for Kermit.
Thanks for the laughs and the fun we have.
With warm regards,
Jim Henson.'
Puzzle has no words for this... Jim and Steve both wrote this while they're in the hospital.
Now, Puzzle quickly unwraps the gift and opens it, inside is a Kermit the Frog plushie made from Disney World Hollywood Studio's Muppet Store... Puzzle's heart warms up with happy tears, she then knows that this plush made her feel better in a heartwarming way.
After she let out a small tears, she squeals in delight and uses her magic to lend her new plush friend close to her, feeling like she wanted to hug him.
"This is the BEST GIFT EVER!" Puzzle says.
Both Cadance and Shining laughed before Puzzle hugs both of them and Baby Flurry Heart.
"Oh, thank you guys." Puzzle said.
"You're welcome, kid." Shining replied, with a smile