🔸️Alexandrite Arcane prepare his solid plan to defeat Sunny Starscout and her friends. And was very easy, that easy he is disappoited, he don't gain satisfaction after easy defeat modern mane six. He is more disappoited for Sunny Starscout, he learn for her that never learn her alicorn magic and he wonderem how he was defeat by her when he was alicorn female. And Crystals of Unity, he learn that magic is much weaker than magic in past before Twilight Sparkle create. If in past magic in Equestria is much powerfull, then why Twilight not use defeat him even after stole fire magic from dragons, instead create crystals and bound magic. His deep thought was interrupted by four strange creatures that emergence from portal.
🔸️Alexandrite first meet Erebus, Catrina, King Lavan and King Charlatan the creatures that emergence from portal. He learn that come from alternative universe/timeline and learn that Skyros his former home never exists and his counterpart is not exists their universe. And worse of all they much more powerfull than him even use his eight powerfull magic and abilities. Defeated, cruetly beaten and mocked by them and first time is scared. They bring Alexandrite they world and make him their slave. And first and worse job being slave is force helping them find the Rainbow of Darkness. After witness might dark magic, Alexandrite feel more terrified than before.
🔸️After commotion Alexandrite succefull freed self. Then see witness Erebus, Catrina, King Lavan and King Charlatan defeat by even more powerfull creature. Terrified by creature might, he hide and hope never find him.
🔸️Some later Alexandrite found by Shadow Ram ( Reddfoxx99 OC ). Shadow Ram listening that Alexandrite is orphan, he never knew his parents, his caretaker strict and never have friends. And Alexandrite even confess he is very happy and feel more natural being male creature than female alicorn.
🔸️After Alexandrite Arcane reform, he and Celestia fall in love each other.