[S08E26] School Raze
I Found an old unfinish work in old folder. So I decide to finish it for my past-self. Hope you like it.
Dear Princess Twilight,
Buck you… You told me that friendship is supposed to be magic. But why has mine become so tragic? Why was the first friendship mistake I ever made enough for you to send me straight down to Tartarus, the worst prison for the worst villains that Equestria has to offer? Where is the second chance you taught me about? Where is the friend who will stand up for you when you mess up? You don’t even care to get to know me or learn why I did what I did.
Your friendship school is all bullshit, Princess. You have failed me. Don’t ever try to redeem me. Don’t expect any redemption from me. You have made the worst villain out of me.
Your former student and now sworn enemy,
Cozy Glow.
Place a child by the side of the worst villain, who in fact suggested she take Equestria's magic in the first place. What could possibly go wrong?