My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (My Headcanon)
Twwilight Sparkle (Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, wife of Chrysalis and adopted mother of Nyx)
Queen Chrysalis (Queen of the Changeling Kingdom, wife of Twilight and adopted stepmother of Nyx)
Nyx (Fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, princess, adopted daughter of Twilight and adopted stepdaughter of Chrysalis)
Rainbow Dash (Element of Loyalty, former wonderbolt, adopted big sister of Scootaloo, daughter of Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, granddaughter of Firefly and niece of Rainbow Blaze)
Scootaloo (Fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, adopted sister of Rainbow Dash, adopted daughter of Bow and Windy, adopted granddaughter of Firefly and adopted niece of Rainbow Blaze)
Bow Hothoof (Husband of Windy, brother of Rainbow Blaze, father of Rainbow, adopted father of Scootaloo and son-in-law to Firefly)
Windy Whistles (Wife of Bow, sister-in-law to Rainbow Blaze, mother of Rainbow Dash, adopted mother of Scootaloo and daughter of Firefly)
Firefly (Mother of Windy, mother-in-law to Bow and Rainbow Blaze, grandmother of Rainbow Dash and adopted grandmother of Scootaloo)
Rainbow Blaze (Brother of Bow Hothoof, brother-in-law to Windy, son-in-law to Firefly, uncle of Rainbow Dash and adopted uncle of Scootaloo)
Pinkie Pie (Element of Laughter, sister of Marble Pie, sister-in-law to Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh and marefriend of Fluttershy)
Fluttershy (Element of Kindness and marefriend of Pinkie Pie)
Rarity (Element of Generosity, owner of Carousel Boutique, big sister of Sweetie Belle and marefriend of Spike)
Spike (Twilight's Assistant and dragonfriend of Rarity)
Sweetie Belle (Fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, little sister of Rarity and fillyfriend of Pipsqueak)
Pipsqueak (Coltfriend of Sweetie Belle)
Bright Mac (Husband of Pear Butter, father of Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh and father-in-law to Marble Pie and Pinkie Pie)
Pear Butter (Wife of Bright Mac, mother of Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh and mother-in-law to Marble Pie and Pinkie Pie)
Applejack (Element of Honesty, daughter of Bright Mac and Pear Butter, little sister of Big Macintosh, big sister of Apple Bloom and sister-in-law to Marble Pie and Applejack)
Big Macintosh (Son of Bright Mac and Pear Butter, big brother of Applejack and Apple Bloom, husband of Marble Pie and brother-in-law to Pinkie Pie)
Apple Bloom (Fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, daughter of Bright Mac and Pear Butter, little sister of Big Macintosh and Applejack and sister-in-law to Marble Pie and Pinkie Pie)
Marble Pie (Sister of Pinkie Pie, wife of Big Macintosh, sister-in-law to Applejack and Apple Bloom and daughter-in-law to Bright Mac and Applejack)
Mayor Mare (Wife of Silverspeed, stepmother of Silver Spoon and adopted stepmother of Diamond Tiara)
Silverspeed (Wife of Mayor Mare, mother of Silver Spoon and adopted mother of Diamond Tiara)
Diamond Tiara (Adopted daughter of Silverspeed, adopted stepdaughter of Mayor Mare and adopted sister of Silver Spoon)
Silver Spoon (Daughter of Silverspeed, stepdaughter of Mayor Mare and adopted sister of Diamond Tiara)
Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops (Special Agent and wife of Lyra Heartstrings)
Lyra Heartstrings (Wife of Bon Bon)
Moon Dancer (Twilight's Student)
Note: The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) are not canon to my headcanon.
Note 2: Past Sins and Winter Bells are canon (Link to stories: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/41596/past-sins and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/71883/winter-bells)
Note 3: Applejack and Pinkie are NOT cousins.
Note 4: Scootaloo gets adopted get Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original parents and two aunts pass away.
Note 5: Chrysalis is reformed here.
Note 6: Applejack's parents are alive here.
Note 7: Diamond Tiara gets adopted by Mayor Mare and Silverspeed after her original parents lose custody of her during a fight.