Artist's comment:
Discord quickly skimmed the pages of the book as he attempted to ignore Fluttershy's stare as his wife silently glared at him. He tried to pretend that everything was normal and just fine, but nervous twitch of his newly created tentacles told the true story.
It was their scheduled Wednesday Adventure Night and this week it was his chance to chose the theme, and he'd promised a wild, exotic, exciting adventure tonight. This would be a night to remember, and Fluttershy would be blown away by his performance.
A couple of the draconequus tentacles flopped back and forth on the floor. Their suction cups occasionally made soft popping sounds as they off and on grabbed the living room carpet as Discord frantically read his copy of Tentacles for Dummies. Finally Fluttershy spoke softly, but in a tone of voice that conveyed her growing frustration at the delays.
"Um, Discord dear. Are we going to start or not? You uh, said you've have everything ready before we started. Ssssoooooo."
"Uh yes dear!" Her husband said. "Just hold on a second!"
Fluttershy took a deep breath and then slowly let it out in a quiet huff.
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