Here’s some new ng stuff!
I just absolutely love drawing winter and Christmas drawings it’s so much fun!!Doe this I just did some sketches of some of my dear characters! I didn’t really feel like coloring so I made it simple.
Here’s some info about the OCs, since most of them aren’t introduced yet:
First we have Crimson Seedling (right) and Autumn Rhyme (left)
Ive been dying to draw them!! Two of my absolute favorites!
- Crimson is the son of Fluttershy and Big Mac (and Cheerilee but not biologically). Autumn is the son of Dumbbell and Moondancer and the older brother of Double Blast.
- they’re both probably the most chill ponies you’ll encounter
- they’re both massive introverts. They don’t like talking to people outside of friends and family.
- they have lots of “big-brother-watching-and-drinking-coffee-as-their-siblings-wreck-shit-up-energy”
- They meet up a lot just to chill and talk
- Crimson is really good at cooking and often cooks for both of them. He tried to teach Autumn but he was absolutely horrible at it and it was a disaster. They ended up having a lot of fun and inedible food.
- Autumn has poetry as his special talent. He doesn’t share his poems with anyone else but Crimson. Double Blast thinks it’s idiotic to write down the own feelings but Autumn couldn’t care less. He knows damn well who the more emotional stable brother in this family is.
- The two know each other since they were very young fillies and have been best friends ever since. They’re basically soulmates but completely platonic.
Next we have Peppermint Biscotti and Cloud Chaser!
- Peppermint is the daughter of BonBon and Lyra and Cloud Chaser the son of Braeburn and Soarin.
- they’re a couple <3 if you couldn’t tell XD
- Peppermint is a very open minded, sweet and caring girl who can be a bit naive or muddle-headed at times but she means well! And if she makes poor decisions or someone is mean to her Cloud is always there to protect her.
- Even though Cloud might not be the best at communicating or keeping decent relationships, Pepper sees the good in him and they genuinely appreciate each other. Event tho Cloud gets all flustered when Pepper is being affectionate in public.
- She was also the turning point in his live leading to him becoming (or trying to become) and somewhat better pony. He’s still veery flawed but she definitely made him have a change of heart.
- They love cuddling with each other a lot when they’re alone and always give each other little gifts when they feel like it. They also have nicknames for each other but now one else knows about them.
And last but not least, two of my newest Sparksverse members! Honey Ember Jasper and Cotton Candy!
I already love them sm I had to include them <3
- Honey is the kid of Maud and Cheese Sandwich. Candy is the daughter of Marble and Sugar Belle
- they’re very chaotic cousins, almost always up to something
- They have a lot of similarities, some of which are being very outgoing, charming and most importantly flirty! They also both have their own businesses going on, with Candy having her own magic show and Honey having an indie jewelry shop.
- they would absolutely be each others partners in crime.
- while Honey does enjoy a nice evening alone at home by themselves, Candy is an absolute party-pony. Sometimes tho she takes it a bit too far. Not just once did. Honey have to let her in at 4am because she was drunk and tired and couldn’t find her way back to her apartment.
- Honey is pretty impressed by Candys magic tricks and is occasionally mad about her not sharing how she does it.
I think that’s it for now, I don’t have much for them as of now since I only got them recently but more will come!
Read more about Cloud Chaser and Autumns little brother:
Sparksverse: who's the looser now? by CinnamonCharmAnywayys hope u like it <33
Honey and Candy were designed by BunnAri
Crimson was designed by Chesshire-Code
Peppermint was designed by Cloudy-Shrooms
MLP © Hasbro
Drawing © me
OCs © me