A commission from KarmaDash for Captain Unstoppable
After the events in Applelossa Fluttershy and Braeburn became pen-pals, writing to one another whenever they could. At first it was nothing more than a way to keep in touch with a new friend, Braeburn sending any vet questions to Fluttershy and for Fluttershy to be more social. After Rainbow Dash and Big Mac got together Fluttershy's heart broke a little as she had a crush on the big red stallion and never acted on it till it was too late. She wrote this to Braeburn who took a train up to Ponyville as soon as he could telling Fluttershy that he had a crush on her, and soon a relationship was born between the two.
Though Fluttershy isn't a single package deal, and Braeburn soon started to spend a lot of time with the Lord of Chaos himself, Discord. Coming from a frontier life and having met most challenges of life head on, Braeburn was able to deal with Discord and eventually the two even became friends.
Soon a few dates turned into a steady relationship, and soon after Fluttershy was the second of AJ's friends to become part of the Apple Family and soon gave birth to her and Braeburn's only child Spartan Apple.
Many have noted that Spartan's left eye is Discord's eyes and he has a few strands of white in his chin, which both Fluttershy and Braeburn have confirmed to be true as they made Discord Spartan's godfather and in his own special way blessed the child with a bit of his power, changing his eye color. No one but Discord is aware of the true effect it has on Spartan's life, though it seems that a bit of Discord's power is infused in the stallion.
Spartan takes after both his parents, while he is a Pegasus he is much bigger and stronger than normal Pegasi due to his Earth Pony heritage. He helps out on Sweet Apple Acres like his cousins having a love for farming that all Apples share. He is quite like his mother, but has endless energy like his father. He didn't fully inherit his mother's ability to talk to animals, only understanding a few words here and there.
Spartan is best friends with the oldest of Soarin and Applejacks' children Soarin Junior, and best friends with Big Mac and Rainbow Dash's son Zapp Apple. The trio have been deemed the Disaster Trio due to the fact when they are together, their collective IQ seems to go down a lot and its a miracle that the three of survived as long as they have.