“You remember me, Tirek? I know you probably don't, but I do. And I see you have yourself a new group of three stooges here. Well, don't worry, while you were busy, I've made a lot of new friends since last we met. And here is one of 'em! Say hello to my Texan hero! Davy Crockett, motherfucker!”
Here is my drawing for the 13th anniversary of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the 40th year of the My Little Pony brand as a whole. I know this is little because I made this is in a very short amount of time just hours before the deadline, but I feel this is still enough.
So, it's basically Megan Williams facing her old enemy Lord Tirek, who now conveniently has a pair of new pals with him, and armed with her trusty M-29 Davy Crockett nuclear bazooka. It might seem that not even the power of Grogar's Bell would be enough to match the fury of the adventurous little girl with the Texan hero at her hand.
Megan Williams EQG design is from ambassad0r.