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So this year, my sweetie UniE decided to commission a cute little witchy getup for his Halloween PFP this year...
Deceptively cute...a likely story indeed. What a perfectly innocuous cover, to start practicing the dark arts! >:O
We all know tradition says you're supposed to burn the witch, but I've never been one for tradition, not when there's a pair of stocks and some convenient feathers laying around. X3
Besides, my friends and I where lacking a group Halloween celebration this year. So on a spur-of-the-moment, I decided that we'd all get together to enjoy a way of punishing the practitioner of the dark arts in our midst >//w//<
Don't fall for his tricks, it matters not how oft his tongue protests innocence! That's EXACTLY what a witch would say, he deserves no mercy! >:D
Art is by Undead_sparrow, who worked tirelessly to get this done by the deadline in spite of the late notice. Thanks a lot to him for that, and it was fun getting a commission from him again after a long absence. ^ ^
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