"Excuse me Mister, could you please blow up my floaty for me?"
Sprout groaned in annoyance as turned to look at the small unicorn filly that had addressed him and was now looking up at him expectantly. Held in her for legs was an uninflated pool floaty.
"Can't you ask your parents or somepony else kid?" he answered, trying not to sound too harsh.
In response, the filly gave the red stallion her best begging face. "I only came to the beach with my friends, aaand Mister Hitch told us that we should ask you for help."
Sprout rolled his eyes gave another annoyed groan. Of course Hitch would "volunteer" him to help little foals like this, and on the last good beach day of the year.
"Ugh, fine. But you're the only one I'm doing this for kid. Got it?" he stated.
The filly nodded her head while giving him a gleeful smile.
With one last groan he picked up the crumpled up inner tube and after stretching it to loosen it up a bit, took a deep breath and began to fill it with air.
Another Sprout pic I made, this time of him helping a little unicorn filly by blowing up her pool floaty. On a whim I made the floaty look like Applejack. Perhaps after the reunification and the return of magic someone might try to make a few bits off of selling memorabilia based on Twilight and her friends.
Hope y'all like this pic and there'll be more art coming soon!