Here we have the fabulous Flambé Gourmand, daughter of a world famous chef, and her husband Black Cherry Merlot, son of C.E.O and future C.E.O himself. Alongside their daughters Zesty Gourmand and Spoiled Milk
Flambé is the host of her very own cooking show but besides that she spends most of her time lounging by her pool with a glass of wine, gossiping with other rich wives and letting nannies mostly raise her children. She doesn't actively dismiss her daughters but she doesn't jump to be involved in their lives either.
BCM is...well an upper-class twit. 'Unintelligent, vulgar, and childish, he could never survive on his own and lives off the family fortune.' Well that and the thousands of staff focused on keeping the company in order and him in power. He loves spending his money on his family and himself, making his wife and daughters want for nothing and without character development.
They're the reason why in the future Zesty has a career despite having horrible minimalist taste and why Milk has never had to work a day in her life.
Start- You're here
Next- Spoiled Sisters
Bases by elementbases and lanternomega
BG by thecoltalition