Inside a seemingly abandoned castle, Starfire Blaze worked alongside Tempest and the Cake Twins to rescue Twilight, his godmother. It had been two months since she, had disappeared on a mission that Celestia sent them on after the Old Pillars disappeared in the same location.
Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were safe in the Crystal Empire after they managed to escape the clutches of whomever had just taken Twilight hostage. They recalled how they discovered the Pillars, hacked to pieces by a mysterious pony and that Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were captured alongside Twilight.
After Pumpkin used her aptitude in penetrating barriers to get the four of them inside, they soon discovered that the two mares met the same fate as their older counterparts. Anger filled their veins as much as worry. Managing to avoid detection, they located where the kidnapped princess was being held.
Tempest and the twins flanked around the hallway leading to the tower that held Twilight. Starfire meanwhile provided the distraction. Loudly opening the door and extinguishing the torches to alert the henchponies, Starfire waited in the darkness and could soon see a dozen or more cloaked unicorns filling the hallway.
With an overwhelming urge to avenge the Pillars as well as his godmother's friends, Starfire activated his Mana Sword. It's purple blade manifested from the end of the hilt and lit the hallway in a vivid purple glow.
As Tempest unshackled Twilight from the manacles, the screams of agony, fear and terror could be heard below them as Starfire made his way through his enemies without compromise, or mercy. He didn’t just settle with his weapons to dispatch his opponents. Using the weapons of the fallen against his attackers, to flinging pieces of gates that were proped against the walls, nothing was getting in Starfire's way.