All over the city, the tinies have been talking with each other, being busy and taking tours through buildings, like staying at a hotel, etc.
However, seconds later, the tinies felt the ground shaking, and then a shadow was looming over them, and it was a huge shadow at that. The citizens looked up and saw a giant unicorn wearing a robe, and they noticed it was the exact same stallion who came to the city before.
"He's back! Hoo'Far is back in the city!" Fadwa told Hassan, surprised that the large Saddle Arabian pony would make his return, as promised.
"We all meet again, my dear friends!" Hoo'Far said to the tinies down below him, as they all look glad that he has made another appearance in the city again. "I am Hoo'Far, the stallion from Saddle Arabia, as you all already know. Fabulous meeting at sunset."
Hassan and Fadwa walked towards the giant-sized unicorn, showing feelings for him.
"Pleasure you have arrived, Hoo'Far." Fadwa waved at Hoo'Far just as he was looking down at her and Hassan.
"Why, thanks." Hoo'Far responded, feeling very well respected from the tinies, especially a married couple who are friends with one giant stallion who is handsome and gentle.
"Could you take us somewhere still around this city where you could perform a spectacular show?" asked one tiny, suggesting Hoo'Far creates a magic show for all the tinies in the city.
Hoo'Far thought about it, seeing that a big magic show can impress the humans.
"That would be a super-spectacular idea!" Hoo'Far agreed with the tinies that he will perform a magic show for them somewhere in the city as they requested. "Now, you tinies can follow me and help me search for somewhere that I perform a magic show."
Hoo'Far started walking, shaking the ground as he leads the tinies behind him so he can give them a spectacular performance as they wish.