Magenta = Married
Bulletlilac Lilac = Offspring
Bulletcyan Cyan = Siblings
Bulletyellow Yellow Halo = Deceased
? = Whereabouts unknown
- - - Dashed line = Adopted relationship (sibling/parent)
- - Single dash = Dating or half-siblings
Msn Heartbroken Emote Broken heart = Divorced
(Trees are read as left to right )
First Row:
-Yaar is married to Yaiga. They are the parents of Yama.
Second Row:
-Yabir is married to Yama. They are the parents of Yona, Yuri, and Yyla.
-Seafoam is married to Beach Breeze. They are the parents of Sandbar and Coral Cove.
Third Row:
-Yyla, Yuri, and Yona are siblings. Yona is married to Sandbar, and they are the parents of Seasmoke.
-Sandbar's sibling is Coral Cove.
Fourth Row:
-Seasmoke, adopted son of Sandbar and Yona, currently works as a florist. Lives in Ponyville.