Poetic Justice sniffed as his hooves wrapped around the soft bundle of blankets, swaddling the tiny foal within. His cousin, Midnight’s Kiss also was instructed to hold up the bundle.
“Yes...hold him like that betweenst the two of you. Make sure his head is elevated - oh, Midnight, put your hoof there.” Their auntie, Cadance mi Amore gave them a dazzling, happy smile as she looked down at her nephews and her new son.
The pink alicorn giggled. “You perfect little boys!” Lifting the camera hanging from her neck, Cadance took more than a few pictures as the shutter snapped with each press of the button. She made sure the flash was off to not disturb her little foal’s sensitive eyes. The purple colt sniffed again and let out a murmur, eyes shining as he took into the face of his new cousin. The baby was inside a pink blanket that was topped with soft bunny ears, chubby cheeks slightly squished.
“What was that, Justine?”
“I-I…” Poetic Justice roughly swiped his nose against his shoulder. He stared at his aunt with big, watery eyes. “I...think I love... him?” Midnight’s Kiss nodded in agreement; both colts felt the same way, it seemed. They looked down at the pink, large eyes of the baby in their arms and Poetic Justice suddenly burst into tears, big globules of tears running down his cheeks. “I love him!! Ahhhhh! He is so pretty and cute and I love him, auntie!!” He sobbed as his small shoulders heaved, Cadance taken aback by his reaction as she lowered the camera. Her son did invoke some strong feelings in most ponies... Midnight’s Kiss had a small smile on his face as he continued to admire the baby - he was quiet as always but his eyes said it all. Their aunt couldn’t help but let another smile spread across her face. Thankfully, it seemed like her nephews took a liking to her new child, and she couldn't be more thankful things have gone smoothly so far.
Pomegranate Love was loved and that was all that mattered.
Pomegranate Love was a very pleasant surprise when he was born. His parents were prepared for wild magic outbursts like his older sister but that never happened. Not only that but he was super chill and calm baby. Poetic Justice and Midnight’s Kiss met him at the Crystal Empire and they loved him the first time they saw him. Bonds are very important in the Sparkle and Amore families.
Yes, Poet was a fucking crybaby when he was younger. Everyone thought Poet would be tall when he was older but he ended up being a shorty, lol. He was salty when his cousin Midnight's Kiss shot past him. Foals are so hard to draw imo! I want to keep them in my own style but ugh.