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This is a random cute silly gift I did for one of my nice friends Fizark Catto/Mony Caalot/Moncatto. He's a really nice guy and very cheerful and extrovert and happy and I just wanted to gift him something for his kindness <3.
I hope he really likes this drawing, and of course it was really fun drawing his OC, I like taztlponies and I think they're some creative cuties x3. Tho I just realized that I made an error because I drew his ponysona with an horn instead of regular mane >.>'... I was basing myself off the drawings of him as an unicorn and the drawings of him as a tatzl at the same time it seems "
Catto accidentally ate you a few minutes prior due to his tatzlpone nature but now he wants to apologize for that and offer you peace by asking for hugs :D. What you'd do?
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