“Why didn’t they come…?”
When her son was born, Pinkamena Diane Pie was surrounded by friends of all kinds - ones she’s known for years and others a few…even her sisters were there! But a couple of ponies stuck out like a sore hoof in Pinkie’s mind and their absence troubled her deeply.
Her father and mother.
They didn’t bother to welcome their grandson into the world; they didn’t even bother to answer Pinkie’s letters after she dropped the news that she was pregnant. She excitedly told them how her friend Rainbow Dash volunteered to help her conceive a baby with the help of Twilight Sparkle’s magic… but their answers fell short once Pinkie sent the letter.
This hurt was something Pinkie felt on a deep level and took its toll on her. Her friends tried to help as much as possible but it was a journey she had to trek on her own. This didn’t deter her from showering her tiny son with all the love she could give, even if it was hard to get up in the mornings. He needed her and that was all that mattered.
So...drama! A lot of people HC that our favorite pink pony doesn’t have the hottest relationship with mom and dad. They have always been traditional ponies, especially her father. The idea of their youngest having a child out of wedlock - a child with another mare and one made with magic - was something they could not handle. They bared their teeth at all of this. Triple Turbo Grande Sundae grew up not knowing Pinkie’s mom and dad until much later. He ends up getting close to Rainbow Dash's instead.
I can see Pinkie kinda getting hit hard with depression after giving birth but hiding it with wide smiles that were a bit strained on the corners. She threw a lot of parties to celebrate her little bundle of joy’s new life but inside she was hurtin’ pretty good. Luckily she had all her friends and sisters to help out and get her on the right track.
During this time she was a bit testy. RD made a joke about their son’s orange hair and Pinkie yelled at her. His colors didn’t come in until later.
Didn’t want to draw her hair straight but it is deflating a bit here. Pinks also doesn’t really like how her hair is getting streaks because she always liked how solid her colors were. I’m not sure when my next gen takes place but a lot of things after season 7 are not canon. I’m not even sure if Lil’ Cheese exists but she does marry Cheese during her pregnancy.
cant even put images here anymore which is a rip