A few days ago, Lemon Hearts was walking with her boyfriend, Autumn Leaf. However, in the middle of the walk, Autumn stopped and looked angry.
"What's wrong?" Lemon asked in wonder.
None of your business!" Autumn shouted suddenly and Lemon flinched.
"That's right, I'm your girlfriend after all." Lemon said.
"Well then I hope you're not." Autumn said angrily.
"What? You can't be serious?!" Lemon said, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
"I don't love you. I have already found a new and more beautiful mare." Autumn said turning towards Lemon.
Lemon Hearts couldn't believe what she was hearing and now the crying started to come.
"And apparently you're a whiner who can't stand the truth. I've already been with someone new for two months and now I'm leaving you." Autumn Leaf said pushing Lemon aside.
"You... leaving me..." Lemon said crying and walked away crying.
I was at Twinkleshine's and we were surprised to see Lemon behind the door. Lemon Hearts tearfully explained the situation and collapsed to the floor. Me and Twinkleshine came to comfort our friend and we all set up Autumn.
Lemon Hearts,Autumn Leaf,Twinkleshine and me
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