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Uploaded on Friday, August 25, 2023
Redone from >>3188021 on 8/23/23, with this BP feedback:
If you want to do SWF images, use a simple patch/healing bursh tool, sample the area around it and start overlaying the naughty parts.
I decided to do even better than just brush - and completed a full vectored edition of the original! Done SFW, of course. 🥳🥰
Original description:
The images I love so much, I'm willing to SFW them. 😘🥰
My remastered SFW, style emulated full vector of >>2972474, by the awesome artist HeavyMetalBronyYeah. Without the mare parts and the paddle slap.
Shared artist credit here, but the 676th palindrome milestone for me. 💓
I have more respect for his style now after drawing those mane and tail parts - took a couple hours alone for those >.<
%Questionable or Suggestive? I have it marked Suggestive, but I'm not sure if that huge plot should imply more. :I Minus the sweet smile. ;)%
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