Braeburn felt his soft breath hit his neck, smelling of cigars as he took it in. It smelled of the old country, of sage, of home. The mustachioed stallion in front of him looked at him with an unreadable expression, his face close to Braeburn's - they could almost kiss.
"I missed ya, old man'."
After the episode with Troubleshoes, Braeburn decides to travel a bit. He was inspired by his cousin Applejack and seeing what she has seen and the friends she has made.
Chief Silverstar continues to be sheriff of Appleloosa and immerses himself in his job, trying not to think about the empty feeling in his chest that Braeburn left. Guess he didn' feel the same way for me than I did for em'... Silverstar told himself. As the days passed, he realized that life with the younger stallion was...so, well...boring. Dull. Lacking life.
Maybe he missed him.
When Braeburn came back, Silverstar wanted to give him a piece of his mind! How dare this young rapscallion leave him on read? Leave him to stay awake at night wondering if he was safe..? Leave his heart in....? But...Something about Braeburn's sparkling, green eyes made his words get caught in his throat. And then Braeburn said how much he missed him, he could just stare.
These two found feelings for each other when Braeburn helped with finding an old mare's missing pigs. Silverstar kiiiiinda always had a small crush on Braeburn, even if he didn't know what it was at first. He just always assumed he was straight. They eventually have a shotgun wedding and then have a daughter, Howdy Duty.
Silver Burn is a ship I have been into for a very long time. I drew them before. I love cowboys so much and gay cowboys are even better. I tampered with some of their colors - Braeburn's colors were a bit too...bright, but understandable since it is a kid's show. I only changed Silverstar's mane color. Silverstar doesn't have many markings but a spot around his eye that earned him the nickname "Spot". He has have some beauty marks. Appleloosians are descended from mustangs and only come in more natural colors. They are known for their fur that shines in sun.