On All Fours
She ain't a pony no more!
I know I can't shut up about how much I wanted to see more Princess Twilight in EqG, but if you think about it, we've gotten even LESS of Starlight! She had like zero time to adapt to the human thing. I feel like Twilight having more book smarts and knowledge was given the advantage of catching on quicker, but we didn't really have that with Starlight.
I've been wanting to explore more ponies adapting to human scenarios in my art, especially with miss Starlight. She's got that cute "I've got this" attitude coupled with the uninformed mannerisms that she can pull off better than, say, the seasoned Twilight.
Speaking of book smarts and knowledge, it seems Micro Chips has stumbled upon a unique sight himself. Again, trying to integrate the Equestria Boys a bit more here and there, if only for cameo appearances.
Oh yeah, this isn't a pose I've gotten to practice on all that often either, so yea. Let's go, let's go...
Hope you Enjoy!
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