A Drop-In Visit
Also known as "Taking a Self-Insert Too Seriously p8 — Bonus Epilogue Page!" There will be no page 9. I hope...
In my defense, when I said "No more author avatar crossovers!" last time, I really did think that was it for my self-insert nonsense as far as brony analyst characters being involved. But my brain had this idea instead. I had actually started this page about two months ago, but I stopped due to some irl things happening and thought I shouldn't finish it. But my brain doesn't like leaving ideas unfinished.
So now we have J and Siph, still in pony form, crashing into Doc's office after being fired from the howitzer. At least nothing is broken! What will happen in here? Well probably nothing. Just some proper introductions, maybe J and Siph hemming and hawing about whether to admit what they really are to the good doctor, before leaving. No actual AMWDW. I have no other ideas for such an interaction, I just found this style of first impression just as funny the second time.
I want to say this will for sure be the last time I do a brony analyst self-insert piece, but that didn't work out so well last time :facepalm:
so I'll just cross my fingers this time.
Dr. Wolf belongs to DRWolf010 as always.
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