Twilight: What really are you?!
Alastor: Aaaawww, little princess is curious? Unfortunately for you this my sweet secret.😏
Twilight: 😡🤬
Cozy Glow: You can count me mister Alastor! Me and Chrissy will make great mess everpony!
Alastor is regreting freeing annoying filly from stone prison.
Discord: Do I know you? You look that I make you very pissed.
Alastor: Oh, you don't have idea.
Alastor mind Tirek: You will pay for deceive and turn me into statue!
Alastor mind Grogar: I will enjoy your pain for pretend me, you lousy identity thief!
Alastor: Who be first test subject for my full power?
Alastor rage mode