Some of the saddest looking ponies ive drawn to date i would say. ive written a lot about this family here, so please please check that out for all my headcannons on them! one thing i didnt mention before is that the 'Pie' surname is an old old herd title that is actually a reference to the piebald marking gene that some animals have, which causes large white patches on the face and body. Pinkie and her sisters get it from their dad, who gets it from his mother. Double diamond, octavia, and silver spoon being siblings is a headcannon borrowed from aztrial
onto the ponies!! now with extra tidbits!! pls download for full view
Top Row (left to right)
Rose Quartz: She/her, cishet, deceased. This is pinkies 'nanny' and who she takes after most in personality and looks. not to be confused with 'granny pie'
Charcoal Fire: he/him, cishet but also never thought about it, deceased. He died when cloudy was only a teen from a life of inhaling dust in the mines. miserable old man
Feldspar Granite Pie: he/him, cishet, deceased. Is his wife's second husband and is a mean miserable sack of shit. hates his son
Agate Geode Pie: She/her, cis bisexual, deceased. this is 'granny pie', who pinkie and her sisters remember fondly. she was married once as a younger mare but her husband died while she was still pregnant with her first born.Middle Row (left to right)
Ebony Keys: he/him, cis bisexual, living. hes from the plains and has always been fond of music and fun, and ran away with his sweetheart to pursue a life of music. he failed but hes still happy
Clear Quartz: she/her, cishet, living. disgraced daughter! clear ran away when she was 18 to be with Ebony and moved to ponyville when she had her first child, and theyve lived there ever since.
Cloudy Quartz: she/her, cis lesbian, living. you know her! shes quite happy with igneous and her life. now that her girls are older, cloudy has been able to explore her attraction to women and date around a bit.
Igneous Rock Pie: he/him, cis gay, living. just like his wife, hes come to love and enjoy his life and is beyond proud of his daughters. now that the kids are off with their own families and lives, he has also been able to explore his sexuality and see other men.
Moss Agate Pie: she/her, closet asexual lesbian, living. while her brother has come to terms with his sexuality, Moss is deep in the closet and is quite unhappy because of it. she has a husband and children, but has always been dissatisfied with her life. she doesnt really think to change things since this is the only life she has known.
Lace Agate Pie: she/her, cishet, living. The only child from her mother's first marriage, lace is the ideal plains woman. she truly loves her husband and the children they have, and sees no real flaws in the system. perfectly pleasant woman but honestly quite closed minded.Bottom Row (left to right)
Double Diamond: he/him, cis gay, living. him!! some things to note is that he has albinism, and is engaged to party favor. they live in ponyville now.
Octavia Melody: she/her, trans lesbian, living. fancy lady. she currently lives with her wife vinyl and they have one son: Metronome.
Silver Spoon: she/her, cis bisexual, living. babiest sister. was once engaged to chip cutter but broke things off and is now married to diamond tiara with their daughter, inkwell
Maud Pie: she/her, straight trans woman, living. cooler than you. married to mudbriar and living in the crystal caves near ponyville and raising her daughter, amber honey
Limestone Pie: she/her, aromantic lesbian, living. crank pants. while she doesnt have a wife or other life partner, she did seek out a sperm donor and is expecting her first child. she stayed on the rock farm and will inherit it once her parents pass.
Pinkie Pie: she/they/he, nonbinary pansexual, living. you know this one!! learn more about her here and here
Marble Pie: she/her, cis bisexal, living. after meeting her husband, troubleshoes, she moved to appleloosa and is enjoying her life in the quiet countryside, where she is raising her son: Wishbone