yeehaw horse hours!!!! ive been meaning to redo my apple tree pretty much since i posted the old one back when i first started posting here. my Apple tree is pretty standard i would say, with the only big change i have being that flim and flam are Apples through adultery. yes trixie is also here no she is not an Apple. Also i forgot to add halos because i am Stoopid but know that all of Applejack's grandparents are deceased in the stormyverse. download for hq view but pls no reupload thx
Top Row (left to right)
Big Bucks: he/him, cis gay, living. Pretty much only here to show that Trixie has two dads. Hes a nice guy and is supportive of Trixie now that he knows her.Jackpot Lulamoon: he/him, cis bisexual, living. An O.K dad, he and Sunflower Spectacle were only together for a short while but he tried to be in Trixie's life when he found out they have similar talents.
Sunflower Spectacle: She/her, cishet, living. Nice hippy woman. Shes a nomad by nature and spent a summer with Cortland as a young mare, she didn't know he was newly married at the time. A good mother, Trixie and her boys love her dearly and they all stay in touch.
Cortland Core: he/him, cishet, deceased. Douchebag. He had an affair with Sunflower when his wife was recovering from the birth of their firstborn, Bright Macintosh. They divorced when their children were teens and he died soon after that from a life of drink and hard work.
Granny Smith: she/her, unlabeled, deceased. Born Sour Apple. Hard old woman who dropped Cortland like a hot rock the second she found out about the affair. Read more about her here.
Cinnamon Pear: she/her, cis bisexual, deceased. Went blind in her old age, made her even less pleasant than before. Pear Butter did not miss her mother as much as her dad.
Grand Pear: he/him, cis bisexual, deceased. Born D'Anjou Pear, he went to his grave still wracked with guilt over his relationship with Pear Butter.
Apple Rose: she/her, cis lesbian, living. The fun aunt. Apple Rose is the most popular of the grannies amongst the Apple children.
Middle Row (left to right)
Trixie Lulamoon: she/her, trans lesbian, living. Traveling magician woman. Married to Starlight Glimmer with their two kids, Masquerade and StarfallFlim Skim: he/him, cishet, living. The milder of the twins. He and Flam came to Sweet Apple Acres as teens seeking work and family, but were turned away. He took it alright.
Flam Scam: he/him, cis gay, living. The more scheming of the twins. When he and Flim were sent away from Sweet Apple Acres it only fueled the fire of greed in him.
Clementine Orange: she/her, cishet, living. Old money heiress of Manehattan's most wealthy family. Shes a bit vain and snooty, but otherwise harmless. Doesn't have a great relationship with either of her sons.
Mosley Orange: he/him, cis pansexual, living. Born Springtime Orchard, he changed his name when he married Clementine. Henpecked husband and spineless father.
Bright Macintosh:he/him, cis bisexual, deceased. A shining example of what a husband and father should be, missed greatly and remembered fondly.
Pear Butter: she/her, cis bisexual, deceased. The fallen pear daughter, she died still wishing her family had supported her more. Read about her and Bright Mac here.
Florina Sprout: she/her, cis lesbian, living. Stressed out single mother type. Loves her girls more than the world and wishes she could be there more for them.
Bottom Row (left to Right)
Tangerine Splash: he/him, trans man heterosexual, living. A good and orange boy!! Read more about him here and here.Braeburn: he/him, cis gay, living. Country boy!! Married to Time Turner with two children, Winesap and Pippin
Apple Butter: she/her trans lesbian, living. Happy and talkative these days, married to Sugar Belle with their kids, Apple Syrup and Apple Turnover.
Apple Bloom: she/her, cis bisexual, living. Grown up now and living with her wife, Twist, and their daughter, Pink Lady. They run the Equestrian Disability League (EDL)
Applejack: she/her, genderqueer lesbian, living. Not much new to say here. Married to Rarity with their kids: Azalea, Gingham, Cider Sugar, and Lavender Cream.
Babs Seed: She/he, butch lesbian, living. Most eligible bachelor in the Manehattan lesbian scene. Maybe one day she'll fall in love but for now shes happy to date around.
Sunflower: she/they, femme lesbian, living. Attending university for a botany degree, kinda distant from her family.