WOW! family tree moments : ) i wanted to just make a quick guide to show how the crystal empire royalty is connected to the rest of equestrian royalty. I havent read the IDW sombra comics but i have read the wiki so ive included a version of events that fits my nextgen au and worldbuilding.
Top Row (left to right)
Princess Celestia: she/her, unlabeled queer, living (immortal). ive written a lot about her in the past, the only important information in this context is that she has many descendants from her past marriages, and one of those descendants adopted Cadence, making Cadence her niece by technicality.Empress Consort Amore: she/her, cishet, deceased. Ancestor to Cadence's mother, and empress consort to her husband, the emperor. while the pieces of her were collected at last, Sombra was unable to return her to her original form, it is unknown if her spirit lives on within the crystal shards.
Emperor Eros : he/him, cishet, deceased. born from a long line of royal crystal ponies, famous womanizer. it is his fooling around that ultimately led to Sombra's rise to power . he died alone in exile nearly 40 years after the crystal empire was lost.
Lilac Aurora: she/her, cis bisexual, deceased. Eros's longtime mistress, and some say true love. she is mother to Radiant Hope, though she died in childbirth. Eros had their child placed in an orphanage to avoid the truth coming out about his infidelity.
Charcoal Night: she/her, cishet, deceased. a member of the ancient clan of batponies living in the frozen north to escape prosecution, she bore sombra from a forbidden love affair with a traveling unicorn merchant. She died of an illness when Sombra was still an infant, and his clan abandoned him at an orphanage rather than raise him.
Middle Row (left to right)
Duchess Daylight Gold: she/her, cis lesbian, living. Descendant of Princess Celestia, which comes with the title of duchess. she is a jeweler by trade and was one of the first noble ponies who married another mare. a classic dapper butch and her family.Duchess Sunday Love: She/her, cis lesbian, deceased. a former student at celestia's magic school, and met her wife through their connection to the princess. she died when all of the children were still young from a mysterious wasting disease, Cadence was hit hardest of the children.
Sky Wishes: she/her, cis bisexual, deceased. one of few descendants of the crystal empire's royal line, she never knew of her inheritence. She died when cadence was still a baby from a plague.
Star Catcher: she/her, trans lesbian, deceased. Cadence's mysterious pegasus mother, she was the only pegasus living in her home village and nopony knows where she came from, some say she is really a living star. she raised Cadence alone for some time, but suddenly disappeared the winter after her daughter got her cutiemark.
Radiant Hope:she/her, cis bisexual, deceased. a shy, sad mare who really was just doing her best. she discovered her father's identity through her orphanage records and tried to reclaim her title. Sombra married her after a short courtship (because he really did love her) and challenged Eros for the throne.
Lord Sombra: he/him, cis bisexual, living. a troubled stallion. a childhood of rejection led him down a dark path. when he defeated Eros in battle he banished the emperor and turned Amore into stone. soon after he took over, Radiant Hope ran away and never returned, bringing a few escapee's with her.
Bottom Row (left to right)
Duchess Twinkleshine:she/her, cis lesbian, living. former student of princess celestia. living happily with her wife, lemon hearts and their two foals, Morning Glory and CitronDuke Blueblood: he/him, cis bisexual, living. equestrias most eligible bachelor turned house-husband. after marying Zephyr Breeze and Sombra he grew to love the domestic life and raising their daughter, Crown Jewel
Duchess Fleur de Lis: she/her, cishet, living. sugar momma to Fancy Pants and regular mama to Silk Cravat
Empress Cadence: she/her, trans pansexual. current leader of the crystal empire with shining armor and their children, Flurry Heart, Sonnet Shine, Valkyrie Shield, and Cupid Arrow