WOAH! a tree about my actual nextgens and not just the mane six's families? more likely than you think : ) ive been meaning to do this forever but really could not find a base i wanted to use (im using a base for my own sanity) but at last i found one that was just what i wanted : D ill credit the base down below!
Top Row (left to right)
Nightlight Sparkle (he/him, cis, pan): Retried professor of astronomy at celestias school, spends his days reading and babysitting his army of grandkidsTwilight Velvet (she/her, cishet): Stay at home mom turned stay at home grandma, softer now as an older mare. runs a book club with her friends
Bow Hothoof (he/him, trans, straight): still rainbow dash's biggest hype man, though now he just shows up at the school of friendship to cheer on dash while she lectures
Windy Whistles (she/her, cishet): Super grandma, she loved being dash's mom and now she love being a grandma to all of her grandkids.
Hydrangea Shy (she/her, cis, bi): Big vacationer, shes happy to let the other grandparents do all the running around while she brings home fun souvenirs (fridge magnets)
Wintergreen Shy (he/him, cis, bi): also enjoys vacationing, and likes to send postcards to his family. his cloud collection is literally record breaking he displays his plaque above the mantle
Middle Row (left to right)
Empress Cadence (she/her, trans, pan): busy working woman these days, running an empire and raising four kids is a handful, even if you have all the support that she has. the crystal empire runs like a well oiled machine under her ruleShining Armor (he/him, trans, bi): Stay at home dad these days, leadership of the royal guard has passed to flash sentry, and he spends his days taking care of his youngest kids and supporting his older ones.
Twilight Sparkle (any prns, nb, bi): still headmare at her school, now with lots of help from the rest of her staff. busiest mom of the three, but still finds time for her family somehow (they sleep very little its a bad habit).
Rainbow Dash (any prns, butch lesbian): retired wonderbolt and full time friendship professor, she teaches literature and gym, as well as coaching a few sports. spends lots of time with the kids and has become an excellent cook over the years. sunday breakfast is to die for at the sparkle house.
Fluttershy (she/her, trans, pan): stopped teaching when the kids were born, and runs her sanctuary full time instead. she raised her kids around all types of animals and it enriched their childhoods greatly. she sometimes brings animals to the school to show the students the importance of caring for the animals.
Zephyr Breeze (he/him, cis, gay): spoiled house husband. he passed a lot of the child rearing off to nannies, but still showered his girl with affection. he is one of those kinda helpless dads that dry heaves while changing a diaper
Lord Sombra (he/him, cis, bi): not the best with kids but not the worst, once crown jewel was around 8 he started really bonding with her and spoils her rotten, even now that shes a young adult sombra still takes care of his little princess.
Duke Blueblood (he/him, cis, bi): somehow the best father of the three, he had three sisters growing up and knew what a little girl needed to be happy and how to care for her. crown jewel would never say it but she loves blueblood most of out of her fathers.
Bottom Row (left to right)
Flurry Heart (they/he, bigender, demi-bi): tired medical student, but happier on this path than when he was on the path towards royal duty. secretly planning a wedding with his partner (not pictured)Valkyrie Shield (she/her, cis, lesbian): in military school, probably not the best path for her but shes stubborn and wont be told what to do. hates crown jewel more than she can describe.
Sonnet Shine (he/him, cis, gay): he has the homosexual audacity to get pretty much anything he wants and he knows it. currently lacks a plan in life and secretly feels a little directionless and lost, but doesnt know what else to do with his life.
Cupid Arrow (he/him, trans, straight): just a little guy, hes still school aged and as the youngest of a royal family he is pretty much free to live however he pleases. will grow up to be a beloved public figure.
Stormdrop (she/her, cis, lesbian): doing her best. shes pretty new to the whole princess thing and is responsible for coordinating weather for the whole empire. her friends and family provide a lot of support and is slowly getting a hang of things.
Star Burst (he/him, cis, bi): nearing the end of his schooling years and is on the cusp of adulthood, and the possibilities are endless. he hasnt yet decided what to do but he knows that he will have his mothers to back him no matter where he goes
April Showers (she/her, trans, pan): top of her class at school and headed down a path towards becoming a teacher herself. youth has been kind to her.
May Flowers (she/they, nb lesbian): academic shut-in. not as good at school as her sister, since she kinda half-asses assignments that dont interest them.
Crown Jewel (she/her, cis, bi): pageant queen and spoiled bitch. she is unbearably entitled and thinks that she should be inheriting the throne since she is related to all of the princesses of equestria.