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Uploaded on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
For the one who loved this artwork as I did, yet wanted that nice SFW version. I have now completed that edit, all vector, identical to the original. ❤️🌺
Took four months but it was worth the wait. 🎨
Original is by XSatanielX ||(I'm personally not an NSFW fan, but their arts are really nice 💗)||, at >>2902684. ||explicit warning, although this is far from the most extreme NSFW I've seen on here.||
Completed vector rendition done by me, over two days and eleven hours (8/1-8/2/23).
Due to this being XSatanielX's original piece but my vectored rendition, I included my signature (very discreet) in addition to keeping XSatanielX's original signature. 🖋️
||SFW edit, but not sure if this should be tagged Safe or Suggestive due to the pose still being a sultry pose. Your call, Derpibooruians.||
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