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Red Line: Married
Blue Line: Offspring
Light Green Line: Siblings
Purple Line: Half-siblings
Lightning Bolt: Hate/Enemies
Queen Twilight Sparkle x Queen Rainbow Dash(married): Princess Blue Lotus, Princess Starry Darkness and Prince Raining Boom
Rarity x Spike(married); Cracked Gem, Dragora and Dazzling Gem
Applejack x Midnight Dusk(married): Cloudy Apple and Dawnshimmer
Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie(married): Brown Sugar Pie, Lil' Cheese(canon) and Icing Sugar
Big Macintosh x Fluttershy(married): Sweet Butterfly and Small Core
Prince Discord x Princess Celestia(married): Swirly Pastel Chaos and Prince Screaming Chaos
King Sombra x Queen Luna(married): Princess Poison Moon and Prince Red Moon Gem
Prince Shining Armor x Princess Cadence(married): Princess Crystal Dream and Princess Starry Shield
King Sombra x Princess Cadence(fling): Princess Shattered Hope
Queen Chrysalis x King Thorax(married): Princess Rotten Core and Prince Artemis
Prince Shining Armor x Queen Chrysalis(fling): Princess Blue
Just my updated family trees and please don't hate, everyone has different Ships.
Original base belongs to:Iesbeans
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