Borg said:
Let's head over to the closing ceremony, then.
You join the stream of ponies funnelling to the town square as the festival comes to a short pause for the closing ceremony. While you and your friends manage to get a spot within the first few front rows, the crowd behind you grows much larger than you remember it being this morning.
After a few minutes of noisy chatter, Hoofingold takes his place on stage along with Autumn Skies and Leaf Chaser. The boisterous air fades to an attentive silence.
Hoofingold: "Hello again, everypony! And for those who arrived later today, welcome! I'm Mayor Hoofingold, and I'd like to share a few words with you all.
Ahh, what a day it's been! I've seen many of you trying your hooves at a new craft, or playing some games together and making new friends. I hope you've all made some good memories today!"
The crowd replies with affirmative cheers.
Hoofingold: "That's what I like to hear! Now, usually, the festival would come to a close around this time. But this year, we've decided to extend the festivities until midnight to give our nightly activities their time to shine.
Which brings me to this year's collaboration: the Enchanted Miniature Boat Race! The event will begin in exactly one hour at Mare's Tail Lake.
If you've made a miniature boat with Miss Timber, or an enchanted trinket with Miss Charm, don't forget to bring those along! Otherwise, don't worry — they've made enough for everyone to participate."
Excitement builds as ponies loudly whisper about their prides and joys.
Hoofingold: "Now then, while I'm sure some of you will keep the party going until the wee hours of the morning, others — youngest like eldest — are starting to feel their bedtimes fast approaching.
Indeed, it's been a long day, and most of our cooks will be retiring for the night. That means you've got three hours to eat what's left of the buffet, or my wife won't let me hear the end of it!"
Laughter ripples through the crowd.
Hoofingold: "Ho ho! Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone here for making this year's Autumn Festival the greatest it's ever been. A special thank you to both Princess Celestia and Oracle Moonflower for bringing countless new faces to our humble town."
The two ponies are given a round of cheers and applause.
Hoofingold: "And with that, I leave you in the care of our talented organizers. Enjoy the rest of the festival, and have a safe trip home!"
After some final cheering for the mayor, the crowd begins to disperse every which way, and musicians reclaim the stage. Glancing at a nearby clock, you find that there is enough time for one activity before the Enchanted Miniature Boat Race event starts.
To the north is: Scarf Knitting, Souvenir Shops, and Games & Prizes.
To the east is: Glassblower's Workshop, Weaver's Workshop, and Campfire Stories.
To the south is: Stargazing.
To the west is: Confectioner's Workshop, Farrier's Workshop, and Open Buffet.
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