Uploaded on Friday evening, April 21, 2023
(vent art warning ⚠️)
The past few months since December 2022 have seen me sick every even-numbered month (right before and through Christmas weekend, end of February 2023, and again a couple days ago 😔). Thankfully the Christmas cold didn't have a sore throat prelude like the rest... but that one was the worst in the beginning, with what I believe was an actual flu bug (due to a lot of throwing up 🤢😞). Doesn't mean the rough sore throat the ones this year have begun on...weren't uncomfortable either.
Again this week it happened - and it's unfortunate, since my dad was going through his own coughing fit a few days before and one of my brothers still has sniffles even today (although I believe they are mostly fine). I'm not the one to usually create a vent art, but... even with all the prayers and well-wishers (a few of you on this site too, you know who you are 😇), it's sometimes still hard going through it (even coughing right now as I type this, along with the usual annoying runny nose 🤒🤧).
Honestly I think it's been all the stress I've been going through recently (not just this site's fun April Fool's Event, much as I enjoyed it) - plus a bit of a draft I might have caught from washing my hair Sunday. It feels like it came for no reason, and I honestly don't like it. 😠 But I believe this "even-month" cold streak will come to an end for me.
Along with anyone else who may be browsing on here, yet not feeling well. Keep praying for your well-being, keep up on your team and Vitamin C... and I believe we shall all recover. 🙏💗
Reason why this vent art managed a little smile from me. And thank you for awesome ponies like you helping to make my days of cold recovery brighter. Love you all 🤗😊
Drawn with the perspective chair, brownie and bottle I used during this vector session. 😌
This was a powerful 606th artist palindrome upload for me. 🙌🥲💗