So! Still not caught up with the show, will I ever be? Eh...maybe. More so just watching small clips of this and that. Anyway! Came across this little lady, Luster Dawn. Twilight's student who doesn't value friendship like Twilight hoped she would. Basically, I did want to make a next gen for Starlight, but from the looks of it the show had already done that. So! Introducing the already existing Luster Dawn!
Some say that Luster Dawn is canon Sunbursts and Starlight's child, I don't know if it's true, but there are a lot of similarities and I do like the couple.
Backstory! Not long after working together at Twilight's school, Sunburst and Starlight did start a relationship, but nothing really seemed to change between the two. Some romantic actions were awkward or just laughed at between the two, but they were happy together. Then a week passed, a month, then a year or two. So whats the next step? Marriage, right? Or so the two just kind of followed with, especially since there really wasn't a reason they shouldn't. Great. Marriage. Now what? we're expecting a foal? Ok, great, this is great! ...Isn't it? While the two were not opposed to having the foal, it was quickly discussed between the two about halfway through the pregnancy that they just didn't work out too great as a romantic couple. No hard feelings and everything was mutual. The relationship and marriage were both discussed between the two from the very beginning and the friendship wasn't lost. Unfortunately, Starlight did experience some postpartum depression after Luster was born, making it a little difficult for Starlight to feel any connections with the child and built bad anxiety over her past actions and mistakes being pushed onto her daughter. Sunburst stepped up and took the reins when it came to caring for his little daughter. Starlight did eventually get out of it and (while she won't admit it) basically became her clingy father when it came to raising Luster. Even as she grew older Starlight continued using a baby-voice when she spoke to the little filly. Luster found it weird - which develops more so as just being an awkward relationship with her clingy mother.
Luster Dawn watched the relationship with her parents as she grew.
Her parents - friends, sometimes hang out - ok
Trixie's and Pharynx - uuhhh......what is this?
Other's parents - loving, caring, always together
Divorced parents - lots of arguing, ignoring, or no interactions what so ever....
Alright.....relationships are....odd, weird, possibly not needed and can waste a bunch of time
And that's basically how Luster Dawn threw herself into her studies and didn't feel the need to build friendship with others. What was it worth? Nothing, but a bunch of odd feelings and precious time that could be used doing productive things! The closest thing Lust Dawn has to a 'friend' is with her mother's best's friend's child, Gimmick. (Our lovely narcissistic, trick/scheming, fear inducing hybrid changing) Yeah, I'm sure that's fine.
So, with the show over there were a few next-gens introduced, the next one being Big Mac and Sugar Belle's son. Little Mac? Sugar Apple? Idk his name. Think I should add him? Could make for a potential next gen character!
Also, I just had to add some light pink to Luster Dawn. She's just so PINK. First time I saw her hurt my eyes, it was just so bright! Look out Pinkie Pie! I just figured I'd help my eyes and help tone it down a bit. Love her hair though!