Second of my TrixBurn foals, Redwell.
Redwell is Aerlies Flash's twin brother and I wanted to make them look similar enough to be siblings, but different enough that they don't immediately look like twins. To balance out Aerlies' warm and orange/red color pallet, I gave Redwell a cooler, green base with yellow-gold hair like his dad. The spots on his face and hindquarters are a darker, muddier shade of his coat color.
Redwell's talent is sharp shooting. Born and raised in rural Appleoosa, he quickly gained skill with his father's sidearm- shooting bean cans and fence posts and pretty much anything he set his sights to. For a while, he considered going to Canterlot and joining the Royal Guard or the army, but Redwell always played by his own rules and he figured out pretty quick that just wouldn't fly in the military. Instead, he became the deputy sheriff of Appleoosa and will eventually take over as Sheriff once his father steps down. while his father wants him to step in as the new Sheriff, Redwell ends up becoming a bounty hunter, much to his father's chagrin and mother's approval.