Published: Mar 1, 2023
Here is the drawing of derpy bring her kids to go visit fluttershy's cottage, fluttershy is taken care of her kids while her husband big mac
is at work. So derpy came by to visit fluttershy and so was her kids her older daughter dinky and her son stanley science so stanley
science belong to me and so is flutter butter and the apple twins apple cider and apple song they belong to me too, flutter butter is on
with the the buttercup flowers on her mane and a pegasus flutter butter love buttercup it her favorite flower she found it beyond the
apple orchard of sweet apple acres right beside the fence where her grandparents met when they were foals which i mean pear butter and
bright mac. Apple cider and apple song are both earth ponies like their dad so i hope you like it and happy derpy day.
Base by:Albina2702
Base by: PersonaRescuerEscape
Base by: BeachBoysfangirl
Base by: Paint-Heart86
I got that base on pinterest, so i'm not sure who this base belong to someone.
Wings part by:CraftyCitty
Background by: BitterPlagueRat