Huge hoof steps stomped the ground when a giant stallion was walking through Chicago, and humans below him quickly jumped and moved out his way, though a few took cellphones out and snapped photos.
"My, my. This is such an interesting city." Dandy Dispatch looked around at some buildings where humans are inside. He is a reporter from Equestria, and deciding he would visit the real world, the tinies quickly realized him in size.
A couple tinies down below the enormous sized unicorn stallion are running up to him, wanting him for something.
"We want you, please!" some humans yelled as much as they could so that Dandy Dispatch could pay attention towards them.
Dandy Dispatch, hearing voices from down below, looked down, and saw excited people jumping, with several holding notebooks and papers. "You people sure are this happy and want me doing one thing at the same time." Dandy Dispatch levitated three papers, which had them saying that the tinies are his number 1 fan.
"Very nice thoughts from you tinies about a reporter pony like myself." Dandy Dispatch appreciated the tinies for saying something nice about him.
"Wait, you are a reporter?" some tinies asked in shock, unaware Dandy Dispatch is a reporter.
"That is true!" Dandy Dispatch looked confident and congratulated the tinies for giving a proper question on who he is.
Even more tinies requested for Dandy Dispatch writing something down in the notebooks and on the papers.
However, Dandy Dispatch declined, saying, "Sorry, but there's so much other stuff I gotta do and I must make a report for the city itself."
The tinies looked kinda gloomy that the request, though they still waved goodbye at Dandy Dispatch when he began walking away from them with each hoof step, shaking the ground.