"It's been so long since we've seen them." Apple Pie says as they waited at their family's farm. "I wonder if they're still the same." She says. "Come on Pie they can't have changed that much." He says seeing his old foal friends in the distance. "In face you can ask them now." He says before tensing up some as they got closer. "Apple Pie, Apple Slice, it's been so long." Dream Song says walking up with her brother and hugs Apple Pie. "Oh we're so glad you two could make it huh Slice?" She asks looking at her brother before getting a confused look seeing him so nervous. "You okay Slice?" She asks as he was kind of staring at Serenade. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm okay." He says laughing nervously trying to get over his nervousness. "It's nice to see you again Apple Slice." Serenade says and Apple Slice just nods.