HC-Harmoniaverse: Mane Seven!
nothing better than inaugurating my deviantart with my redesigns of the mane six! in this case mane seven
because sunset shimmer is also part of my headcanon)
this au is called harmonyverse i will post more drawings about it and nex gens!
Feel free to ask or share any headcanons you have I love to read!
and sorry, i can't get the right width to zoom :''(About mane seven:
Twilight Sparkle:
-She's still a unicorn, I have no plans to turn her into an alicorn princess yet
- 100% nerd and bookworm! Twi always gallops around with his head in his books
-Entered as a foal in the Celeste King's prestigious school of magic, being extremely dedicated to him.
-Addicted to learning, she only sleeps 4 hours a day to enjoy the rest of the 20 hours studying or there in the fields of the royal castle practicing her magic before heading to ponyville
-Twilight is extremely rational, tends to be skeptical about unproven facts
-Still neurotic and weird...
-Masters several magic arts, planetary magic and alchemy, very interested in astronomy which adds another background to why she was researching the history of the two brothers, also influenced by her parents who work in the castle of canterlot studying the stars
-Twilight went to exchange for ponyville at the request of the Heavenly King, as he avoided having social interactions with other equines other than his dragon brother Spike
-Currently resides at the Golden Oak LibraryFluttershy/Posey:
- Botanical Gardener! I was very inspired by their version of the first generation "Posey", it has a large garden and is now connected more to flora than fauna
-I based on breezies (g3, g4), summer wing ponies (g1) and flutter ponies (g1) for their fairy wings! however it fits more into the flutter pony category, which adds to its plant and breeze related magic!. Maybe I still give her moth characteristics
-The flutter ponies are one of the "insect equine" categories that changelings also fall into.
-Your favorite flowers are tulips
-Tree Hugger and Wallflower Blush are also your friends
-He lives in the vicinity of ponyville, where he has more contact with the everfree forest, studying the vegetation and its magic, also helping Zecora
-Before moving to ponyville I lived in Flutter Valley, the home of the flutter ponies as well as the first generation!
-She is soft-spoken but assertive
-She's not as shy as before, she learned to deal with it after a while
-Makes great teas
-Has a relationship with the literal god of chaosApplejack
-Great mind for business
-I was inspired by the true story of cowboys to develop her story!
-Coat inspired by an appaloosa, a horse often used by native North Americans, in addition to being the name of a western city in mlp
-Extremely honest for her job on the ranch and dedicated to her friends and family, the mother of the group!
-In a relationship with Rainbow Dash
-Part of the apple family, an extended family of farmer land horses with their hooves connected to earth magic!
-She works as a colt on the ranch. Grandpa Smith, the matriarch of the herd, has custody of her and her siblings after their parents' death
- Down to earth (or better hull), charitable, brave, trustworthy, strong, mature, stubborn and obstinate in doing things on her own
-Very workaholic
-Has knowledge about construction and mechanics as well.
-A great cook with Pinkie!
-The Apple family was a family of pilgrim and poor cowboys since they traveled throughout equestria planting and selling the seeds they collected in search of a suitable place to settle, after finding a fertile region on the banks of everfree they planted their orchards and gave rise to the current ponyville!
-Apple products are very popular throughout equestria
pinkie pie
-Foster Daughter of Pies
-It is not known for sure his age and past
-Pony of Chaos! Pinkie has powers very similar to discord, like her tail quivering, moving from one place to another and breaking the fourth wall?? Ponyville ponies are used to it and don't even question it anymore, when Twilight arrived in ponyville she was psyched about studying it but ended up getting used to it too
-Disagreement when he found pinkie treated her like someone familiar
-The smallest of the mane seven, with an unbeatable mane and a very fluffy fur, a Shetty!
-His cell and his little bow were inspired by the "Secret Surprise Ponies" of g1 from mlp!
-Yellow in your palette was inspired by "Suprise" which is Pinkie's version in g1, and yellow is considered the color of joy, but I didn't leave it completely yellow so as not to change its essence too much
-Pinkie keeps balloons, confetti, etc. in the cells on his back, and he keeps the key to unlock the saddle in his hair! She clicks and POOF all the fun stuff at the party comes out like a cannon!!
-Smells like pink cotton candy
-Currently lives with the cakes on the corner of the sugar cube working with them, being a baker and party organizer!
-Still hyperactive, excited, outgoing and VERY euphoric
-She also works being a piñata??? she doesn't feel pain...? Candy comes out of your cell after being hit
Rainbow Dash
-Is part of the Wonderbolts
-Her golden bracelets and olive wreath are in reference to ancient Greek heroes and athletes, as she is a pegasus and lives in a Greek temple in clouds duh
-Very concerned about her appearance, but not like Rarity and her g3 version, but heroically and majestically
-In a relationship with Applejack
-She may be proud at times, but she cares a lot about her friends and would do anything to help them
-Local athletic hero admired by school colts, Scootaloo is the leader of the dash fan club and is considered by her to be her little sister
-I don't really like the relationship that Dash has with his parents, in my headcanon Dash's parents are very proud of her as she is of them, they always supported him since she was little and she recognizes that
-Rainbow has many trophies and medals and loves to show them off.
-Her magic is connected to air and weather, can generate electricity in his wings and help ponyville pegasus over time, and managed to make the legendary sonic rainbow as a foal
-Rainbow has this lighter spot on her face because it reminds me more of a bird for some reason, oh, the darker parts of the body is an analogy to a storm
-Very fast, she has a great admiration for Spitfire and Lightning Dust's rival even though she doesn't take it very seriously
Rarity / Elusive:
-Now Rarity is a Stallion Unicorn
-Rarity is now a "Twinkle Eyed Pony", a type of pony from the first generation of MLP
-The crystals in Rarity's eyes can be turned on and off, when activated her sclera turns dark, they give her the gift of clairvoyance and persuasion.
-His hooves and horns are also made of crystal.
-The twinkle eyed are a mysterious race, they are not well known and Rarity doesn't talk about it much, he tends to hide them behind his mane
-Still a fashion designer! produces specialized saddles and hammocks ((like Arabian saddles for parade) and has a project to expand its carousel to various equestrian sites
-Has a rare gem tracking talent, usually helps Maud with that and Spike follows along (I'm thinking about putting the Pies as twinkle eyeds!)
-Habit of eating emotionally, loves ice cream
-Thinking of him having a relationship with Hoity Toity or Fancypants
-Do weekly spa, be very careful not to scratch your hooves (the opposite of jack...)
-Still extravagant, very concerned about his appearance but generous
Sunset Shimmer:
-Joined the group recently
-Daughter of a unicorn mare of the royal family of equestrian purebred unicorns and of a Nightmare, the infernal horse with a mane, tail and tail of fire. Also being royalty from the equestrian volcanoes
-She was abandoned as a foal and the Heavenly King took care of her, interested in her unbalanced yet powerful magic coming from two opposing equines, studied before Twilight at unicorn school
-Not much is known about her, she appeared to be isolated before joining the mane six group. She has two brothers in some equestrian place but she doesn't talk about them
-Recem served his sentence in a reformatory/penitentiary (?) of unicorns who practiced magical "crimes", due to violations in space-time and portals, had this ability due to his "Nightmare" magic. Celeste described her as ambitious, Sunset doesn't talk about it. (I still don't know if I'm going to talk about girls equestria but anyway