Painting Pony Practice™️ turned into drawing the oldest of the Mane Six kids in Genericverse. Oops. Headshots of all six kids ~ 🖤✨
I’ll give a little details of each kiddo 🖤Top Row, left to right:
Halley Comet: Son of Twilight and Flash Sentry. Snarky pegasus with a mean streak, I’m sure that’ll end well for him!
Bluegrass Wheatfield: Custom designed by pastelchatterbox! He’s the son of Applejack and Rara; can’t sing to save his life, so he focuses on his hobby of being a baker.
Aerodynamic: Son of Dash and Derpy; he’s really good at sports, he just has an attitude as big as his rainbow mom’s and refuses to do them because he’s not as interested. Likes to try and make jewelry.
Bottom Row, left to right:
Dahlia: Daughter of Rarity and Blackthorn; never really home in Ponyville, she travels a lot for acting jobs. Sweet and soft spoken, she comes back as much as she can.
Chipotle Dip “Chips’n’Dip” : Daughter of Pinkie and Cheese; boastful and extremely easy to rile up, she totally doesn’t run a secret boxing ring late nights at Ponyville.
Canary: Daughter of Fluttershy and Big Mac; gentle giant with a heart of gold, she’s training to become a doctor, and is currently a nurse specializing in herbal medicine!
Hope you guys enjoy 🖤✨