White Chocolate Mocha Belle-Apple
Nickname(s): Mocha is fine
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: stallion, he/they
Race/Species: earth pony(?)
Occupation: helps Applejack run Sweet Apple Acres
Special Talent: N/A
Parent(s): Rarity Belle (mom), Applejack (momma)
Sibling(s): Vermillion Delilah Belle-Apple, TBA
White Chocolate Mocha Belle-Apple or, as he highly prefers to be called, Mocha is the young adopted son of Applejack and Rarity. Rarity found him as a foal up in the cold north when visiting the Crystal Empire. She has no clue how he got there or how he got his scars, but she didn't care. She saw a small little foal shivering in the cold and instantly decided to take him home with her.
He was a pretty small colt, smaller than his sister even. But when he started going through his growth spurt, it just didn't stop and now he almost even towers over Applejack. He also has incredibly strength and endurance, finding that he can kick down a whole bushel of apples from an apple tree in one well-timed kick. Because of this, he mostly helps around the farm with his mother and uncle.
Despite his size, Mocha is a huge sweetheart and momma's boy. Both of his mothers adore him to pieces and he definitely loves the attention.