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Size: 2975x3672 | Tagged: safe, artist:don2602, derpibooru import, idw, 8-bit (character), adagio dazzle, ahuizotl, alice the reindeer, aloe, amethyst maresbury, amethyst star, angel wings, apple bloom, apple fritter, apple rose, apple strudel, applejack, aria blaze, aunt holiday, aunt orange, auntie applesauce, auntie lofty, aura (character), aurora the reindeer, autumn blaze, babs seed, baff, ballista, barley barrel, berry punch, berryshine, big boy the cloud gremlin, big daddy mccolt, big macintosh, billy (dragon), biscuit, blackthorn, blacktip, blossomforth, bon bon, bori the reindeer, bow hothoof, boyle, braeburn, bramble, bright mac, bright smile, buck withers, bulk biceps, button mash, cactus rose, canter zoom, capper dapperpaws, captain celaeno, captain hoofbeard, captain planet, caramel, carrot cake, carrot top, castle (crystal pony), cattail, chancellor neighsay, cheerilee, cheese sandwich, cherry berry, cherry blossom (idw), cherry crash, cherry jubilee, chestnut magnifico, chickadee, chief thunderhooves, chummer, claude, clear sky, cloud kicker, cloudchaser, cloudy quartz, clump, coco pommel, coconut cream, coloratura, colter sobchak, cookie crumbles, coriander cumin, cosmos (character), cozy glow, cranky doodle donkey, crystal (character), cup cake, curly winds, daisy, dandy grandeur, daring do, decepticolt, derpy hooves, diamond tiara, dinky hooves, dirk thistleweed, discord, doctor caballeron, doctor fauna, doctor horse, doctor stable, doctor whooves, donut joe, double diamond, dragon lord torch, dumbbell, dusty pages, elbow grease, fancypants, feather bangs, featherweight, fetter keys, fido, fili-second, filthy rich, firelight, fizzle, flam, flash magnus, flash sentry, flax seed, fleetfoot, fleur-de-lis, flim, flitter, flower wishes, fluttershy, fume, gabby, gaffer, gallus, garble, gentle breeze, gilda, gladmane, glenda, gloriosa daisy, goldcap, golden harvest, golden hazel, goldie delicious, grampa gruff, grand pear, granny smith, grogar, grubber, gustave le grande, half baked apple, hard hat (character), helia, high heel, hoity toity, hondo flanks, hoops, humdrum, igneous rock pie, indigo zap, inky rose, iron will, jack pot, jeff letrotski, jet set, junebug, juniper montage, kerfuffle, king aspen, king longhorn, king sombra, kiwi lollipop, lemon hearts, lemon zest, lighthoof, lightning dust, lily, lily lace, lily pad (equestria girls), lily valley, limestone pie, linky, little strongheart, lix spittle, liza doolots, long face, lord gestal, lord goldstone, lord tirek, lotus blossom, louise, luster dawn, lyra heartstrings, ma hooffield, mane allgood, marble pie, marini, masked matter-horn, matilda, maud pie, mayor mare, meadowbrook, medley brook, microchips, minuette, mistmane, mistress marevelous, misty fly, moody root, moondancer, moonlight raven, mori, mosely orange, mr. greenhooves, mr. hoofington, mr. waddle, mrs. hoofington, ms. harshwhinny, ms. peachbottom, mudbriar, mulia mild, mullet (character), night glider, night light, nightmare moon, nightmare rarity, normal norman, nurse neightingale, nurse redheart, ocean flow, ocellus, octavia melody, paisley, paradise (crystal pony), party favor, peachy pie, pear butter, petunia, petunia petals, pharaoh phetlock, pharynx, photo finish, pickle barrel, pinkie pie, pipsqueak, pistachio, pixel pizazz, plaid stripes, ponyacci, posey shy, pound cake, prim hemline, prince blueblood, prince rutherford, princess amore, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess ember, princess eris, princess flurry heart, princess luna, princess skystar, principal abacus cinch, puffed pastry, pumpkin cake, pushkin, quarterback, queen chrysalis, queen cleopatrot, queen novo, quibble pants, radiance, radiant hope, ragamuffin (equestria girls), rain shine, rainbow dash, rambler, randolph, rarity, raven, rockhoof, rolling thunder, roseluck, rosette nebula, rover, rumble, runt the cloud gremlin, saddle rager, saffron masala, sandalwood, sandbar, sans smirk, sapphire shores, sassaflash, sassy saddles, scootaloo, scorpan, screwball, scribble dee, seabreeze, seaspray, shadow lock, sheriff silverstar, shimmy shake, shining armor, shoeshine, short fuse, silver shill, silver spoon, silverstream, sky beak, sky stinger, sludge (dragon), smolder, snails, snap shutter, snips, soarin', some blue guy, somnambula, sonata dusk, songbird serenade, sour sweet, spear (dragon), spearhead, spike, spitfire, spoiled rich, spot, spring melody, sprinkle medley, spur, star swirl the bearded, star tracker, starlight glimmer, starstreak, steela oresdotter, stellar eclipse, stellar flare, steven magnet, storm king, stormy flare, strawberry sunrise, stygian, sugar belle, sugarcoat, sunburst, sunflower (character), sunny daze, sunny flare, sunny skies, sunny sugarsocks, sunset shimmer, sunshine smiles, sunshower raindrops, supernova zap, suri polomare, svengallop, sweetie belle, sweetie drops, swift foot, teddie safari, temperance flowerdew, tempest shadow, tender taps, terramar, theodore donald "donny" kerabatsos, thorax, thunderlane, timber spruce, time turner, tip top, toola roola, tootsie flute, torque wrench, tree hugger, trenderhoof, trixie, trouble shoes, truffle shuffle, twilight sparkle, twilight velvet, twinkleshine, twist, uncle orange, upper crust, urtica, vapor trail, vera (klugetown), verko, vignette valencia, vinyl scratch, violet blurr, wallflower blush, wheat grass, whoa nelly, wind rider, wind sprint, windy whistles, wiz kid, wrangler, yakmina, yona, zapp, zappityhoof, zecora, zephyr breeze, zesty gourmand, zippoorwhill, abada, abyssinian, alicorn, bird, breezie, bull, centaur, changedling, changeling, cloud gremlins, deer, diamond dog, draconequus, dragon, earth pony, gargoyle, gryphon, hippogriff, kelpie, kirin, parrot, parrot pirates, pegasus, pony, siren, taur, unicorn, yak, zebra, equestria girls, my little pony: the movie, admiral fluffington, ambrosia muffinbuns, apple family member, bandana, barrel twins, beard, bow, bowler hat, brother and sister, brothers, cake twins, chef's hat, clothes, coat, collar, cowboy hat, crown, cutie mark crusaders, dust devil (idw), equal four, eyepatch, eyes closed, facial hair, female, fiona floppyears, flim flam brothers, fluttershy's parents, glasses, goggles, goggles on head, hair bow, hard hat, hat, headband, helmet, hooffield family, image, indiana embereyes, jennino lanternlight, jewelry, jpeg, k-lo, katherina proudpaws, king thaumas, king thorax, klugetowner, looking at each other, looking at someone, looking up, male, mane seven, mane six, mask, max (cat), mccolt family, molly (cat), monocle, moonbeam twinkletail, moustache, necklace, necktie, ocypete, paradise (g4), pillars of equestria, pirate, pith helmet, postcrush, power ponies, prince abraxas, prince aello, prince pharynx, princess zephyra, queen ozomene, rainbow dash's parents, rarity's parents, regalia, scar, shadow (cat), shadow five, siblings, spa twins, squabble, student six, su-z, the dazzlings, tiara, top hat, traditional art, twins, wall of tags, wizard hat


(Probably my biggest project yet, in terms of character capacity.)

In this holiday season, 400+ characters, across Friendship is Magic, Equestria Girls, the 2017 Movie, Rainbow Roadtrip, and the IDW Comics, come together, not as mere Generation 4 characters, but as a FAMILY!

Family is LOVE, everyone! Happy holidays, Derpibooru!!!

Based off of this image:
Posted image

safe2368601 artist:don2602152 derpibooru import2782622 idw20670 8-bit (character)84 adagio dazzle17916 ahuizotl1056 alice the reindeer187 aloe3385 amethyst maresbury52 amethyst star3030 angel wings340 apple bloom68038 apple fritter940 apple rose374 apple strudel138 applejack219291 aria blaze13694 aunt holiday453 aunt orange449 auntie applesauce342 auntie lofty407 aura (character)349 aurora the reindeer127 autumn blaze6020 babs seed7071 baff102 ballista156 barley barrel344 berry punch7769 berryshine7764 big boy the cloud gremlin74 big daddy mccolt109 big macintosh37563 billy (dragon)162 biscuit221 blackthorn76 blacktip54 blossomforth1751 bon bon20477 bori the reindeer169 bow hothoof1658 boyle179 braeburn7801 bramble172 bright mac1920 bright smile125 buck withers86 bulk biceps4009 button mash5417 cactus rose61 canter zoom99 capper dapperpaws1916 captain celaeno1497 captain hoofbeard67 captain planet747 caramel3086 carrot cake2641 carrot top6312 castle (crystal pony)125 cattail94 chancellor neighsay965 cheerilee12384 cheese sandwich5223 cherry berry2488 cherry blossom (idw)71 cherry crash756 cherry jubilee1426 chestnut magnifico199 chickadee980 chief thunderhooves321 chummer77 claude84 clear sky623 cloud kicker2305 cloudchaser4559 cloudy quartz2007 clump244 coco pommel7927 coconut cream318 coloratura4001 colter sobchak147 cookie crumbles1572 coriander cumin180 cosmos (character)625 cozy glow11410 cranky doodle donkey1248 crystal (character)55 cup cake5352 curly winds789 daisy2956 dandy grandeur60 daring do7690 decepticolt30 derpy hooves62055 diamond tiara13637 dinky hooves5106 dirk thistleweed247 discord40725 doctor caballeron937 doctor fauna636 doctor horse467 doctor stable467 doctor whooves12201 donut joe967 double diamond2016 dragon lord torch432 dumbbell813 dusty pages125 elbow grease136 fancypants2619 feather bangs670 featherweight1491 fetter keys12 fido616 fili-second967 filthy rich1410 firelight587 fizzle692 flam2642 flash magnus1078 flash sentry16652 flax seed126 fleetfoot2805 fleur-de-lis5175 flim2767 flitter3636 flower wishes2826 fluttershy283296 fume250 gabby3525 gaffer105 gallus9810 garble2305 gentle breeze600 gilda12385 gladmane197 glenda47 gloriosa daisy2166 goldcap30 golden harvest6312 golden hazel734 goldie delicious437 grampa gruff508 grand pear358 granny smith6535 grogar1887 grubber944 gustave le grande275 half baked apple160 hard hat (character)56 helia333 high heel161 hoity toity1172 hondo flanks731 hoops513 humdrum571 igneous rock pie1221 indigo zap3301 inky rose709 iron will1520 jack pot374 jeff letrotski236 jet set557 junebug492 juniper montage1878 kerfuffle759 king aspen172 king longhorn66 king sombra18905 kiwi lollipop590 lemon hearts2617 lemon zest4096 lighthoof751 lightning dust5851 lily2578 lily lace252 lily pad (equestria girls)412 lily valley2580 limestone pie7145 linky1836 little strongheart971 lix spittle142 liza doolots702 long face57 lord gestal17 lord goldstone23 lord tirek7882 lotus blossom3512 louise26 luster dawn2292 lyra heartstrings36661 ma hooffield70 mane allgood364 marble pie9456 marini69 masked matter-horn981 matilda609 maud pie16464 mayor mare4248 meadowbrook1078 medley brook66 microchips1589 minuette7348 mistmane1031 mistress marevelous833 misty fly678 moody root25 moondancer6782 moonlight raven585 mori42 mosely orange212 mr. greenhooves59 mr. hoofington35 mr. waddle267 mrs. hoofington38 ms. harshwhinny3093 ms. peachbottom980 mudbriar1074 mulia mild148 mullet (character)148 night glider1651 night light3296 nightmare moon22354 nightmare rarity3851 normal norman972 nurse neightingale14 nurse redheart4959 ocean flow173 ocellus7318 octavia melody29964 paisley842 paradise (crystal pony)136 party favor1845 peachy pie153 pear butter4401 petunia702 petunia petals232 pharaoh phetlock47 pharynx1469 photo finish3203 pickle barrel287 pinkie pie280225 pipsqueak3572 pistachio289 pixel pizazz476 plaid stripes326 ponyacci54 posey shy2153 pound cake3352 prim hemline208 prince blueblood4899 prince rutherford905 princess amore396 princess cadance45485 princess celestia123868 princess ember9607 princess eris205 princess flurry heart11048 princess luna128464 princess skystar2662 principal abacus cinch1313 puffed pastry86 pumpkin cake3063 pushkin14 quarterback221 queen chrysalis46418 queen cleopatrot25 queen novo1996 quibble pants1796 radiance950 radiant hope864 ragamuffin (equestria girls)474 rain shine692 rainbow dash306298 rambler7 randolph105 rarity238240 raven1231 rockhoof1436 rolling thunder285 roseluck6703 rosette nebula125 rover1132 rumble5163 runt the cloud gremlin61 saddle rager955 saffron masala1970 sandalwood1312 sandbar7309 sans smirk285 sapphire shores1222 sassaflash1089 sassy saddles1494 scootaloo66709 scorpan437 screwball1726 scribble dee645 seabreeze577 seaspray238 shadow lock167 sheriff silverstar283 shimmy shake792 shining armor31370 shoeshine1938 short fuse178 silver shill199 silver spoon8986 silverstream8371 sky beak224 sky stinger693 sludge (dragon)390 smolder12530 snails6147 snap shutter359 snips4850 soarin'19387 some blue guy762 somnambula2623 sonata dusk18205 songbird serenade1540 sour sweet4446 spear (dragon)250 spearhead179 spike100820 spitfire17110 spoiled rich1735 spot547 spring melody1336 sprinkle medley1336 spur306 star swirl the bearded2488 star tracker642 starlight glimmer66279 starstreak111 steela oresdotter54 stellar eclipse219 stellar flare1939 steven magnet629 storm king1571 stormy flare346 strawberry sunrise490 stygian1118 sugar belle4122 sugarcoat4268 sunburst9917 sunflower (character)74 sunny daze165 sunny flare3564 sunny skies156 sunny sugarsocks84 sunset shimmer89355 sunshine smiles326 sunshower raindrops2670 supernova zap608 suri polomare1570 svengallop486 sweetie belle64043 sweetie drops20477 swift foot120 teddie safari112 temperance flowerdew33 tempest shadow20290 tender taps951 terramar1032 theodore donald "donny" kerabatsos94 thorax5912 thunderlane5460 timber spruce2415 time turner12199 tip top82 toola roola999 tootsie flute702 torque wrench305 tree hugger3838 trenderhoof1035 trixie86810 trouble shoes1518 truffle shuffle480 twilight sparkle394307 twilight velvet6344 twinkleshine2673 twist3428 uncle orange334 upper crust811 urtica47 vapor trail1517 vera (klugetown)14 verko83 vignette valencia1156 vinyl scratch35855 violet blurr425 wallflower blush3530 wheat grass179 whoa nelly326 wind rider286 wind sprint865 windy whistles3434 wiz kid786 wrangler87 yakmina7 yona6790 zapp960 zappityhoof32 zecora12268 zephyr breeze3333 zesty gourmand310 zippoorwhill579 abada96 abyssinian1524 alicorn329394 bird14302 breezie2985 bull488 centaur4584 changedling11997 changeling67920 cloud gremlins89 deer9828 diamond dog4335 draconequus19187 dragon84995 earth pony427511 gargoyle402 gryphon39572 hippogriff14556 kelpie960 kirin16899 parrot711 parrot pirates540 pegasus489621 pony1496402 siren3134 taur1841 unicorn527290 yak6077 zebra26555 equestria girls288973 my little pony: the movie23787 admiral fluffington13 ambrosia muffinbuns20 apple family member3688 bandana7620 barrel twins196 beard5976 bow46681 bowler hat219 brother and sister7168 brothers1445 cake twins605 chef's hat1027 clothes698897 coat4286 collar50595 cowboy hat26056 crown27298 cutie mark crusaders24442 dust devil (idw)15 equal four191 eyepatch4013 eyes closed140128 facial hair10751 female1531270 fiona floppyears23 flim flam brothers1579 fluttershy's parents15 glasses94843 goggles19480 goggles on head812 hair bow26088 hard hat954 hat129949 headband5388 helmet16409 hooffield family175 image1090623 indiana embereyes26 jennino lanternlight24 jewelry117107 jpeg409171 k-lo440 katherina proudpaws26 king thaumas13 king thorax3687 klugetowner85 looking at each other36807 looking at someone16420 looking up24869 male528662 mane seven7798 mane six40621 mask11049 max (cat)11 mccolt family253 molly (cat)14 monocle1304 moonbeam twinkletail21 moustache3983 necklace32604 necktie11555 ocypete29 paradise (g4)12 pillars of equestria367 pirate3149 pith helmet650 postcrush331 power ponies3470 prince abraxas11 prince aello9 prince pharynx961 princess zephyra8 queen ozomene11 rainbow dash's parents373 rarity's parents105 regalia34678 scar17498 shadow (cat)30 shadow five749 siblings22204 spa twins1649 squabble44 student six2163 su-z449 the dazzlings5936 tiara6885 top hat5753 traditional art148309 twins3441 wall of tags5759 wizard hat1364