Revisiting the MoccaVerse <33 wanted to see how Abracadabra could meet Steel Storm. Let’s say they didn’t end up peachy with eachother lol
Abby: A simple spell to walk on clouds should do it. *horn begins to light up*
Sunny: Woah. Awesome.
Abby: Done! Let’s go! *teleports them to Rainbow Dash’s house*
Sunny: Mama Mia! Remember to tell me before you do that, Abbs...
Abby: *chuckles* Oops~
Sunny: Here’s my crib! Hope you like it!
Abby: Very... cloudy and rainbow-y. I dig it.
Sunny: *smiles* I’ll go make popcorn for the movie!
Abby: *jumps on the cloud couch* K, babe!
Abby: * hears hoof steps coming down the stairs*
Steel: *realizes there’s a random unicorn on the couch* Who the fuck are you?
Abby: *raises eyebrow* Abracadabra, Sunny’s girlfriend. I don’t think we’ve me—“
Steel: *scoffs* Whatever.
Abby: *gasps* Rude.
Sunny: Whoa whoa whoa. Where you headed lil man? I haven’t introduced you to my girl yet! *placed wing on his little brother, pushing him back to Abracadabra*
Steel: *groans* FINE.
Sunny: Abbs, meet my lil bro Steel Storm! Steel meet Abby.
Steel: *rolls eyes* Are you the great and powerful Trixie’s daughter?
Abby: Yep. I might be powerful then her!
Steel: I beg to differ. ‘Didn’t expect Sunny to scoop so low.
Abby: *appalled* I have you know, I was the first pony in Equestria to accomplish a life spell! I might be the most powerful unicorn that’s every existed!
Steel: I did a sonic rainboom! Flying is so much cooler then stupid unicorn magic!!
Sunny: Aw, he doesn’t mean that. *hugs him tightly*
Steel: Yes I do! Get offa me, bitch!
Abby: I can’t believe this lil dipshit is related to you, Sunny. *exchanges evil eyes with Steel*
Steel: FUCK MMMMMFF *Sunny covers his mouth with his hoof*
Sunny: Sorry about this, Abbs. Looks like someone hasn’t had his nap.
Steel: I’MMMMF NOTFFF FIVFFEEE!!! *i’m not five!!*
Abby: You like it, short stack.
Steel: *feathers puff up in anger*
Abby: *high pitched voice* Aw you’re adowableee
Steel: *breaks out of Sunny’s grip; glares at Abby, thinking of what to say next* You- you all suck! I’m going to the skatepark! Later, lover-losers! *snickers on his way out*
Abby: Don’t forget your padding! You don’t wanna get an owie boo-boo!
Sunny: *sighs* I thought that would go better. Sorry, Abbs. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.
Abby: Oh he’s just jealous, I get to kiss your pretty face.
Sunny: *chuckles* True dat, true dat.
Sunny: Looks like the popcorn’s ready! You pick the movie, I’ll be there in a wing flap!
Abby: *teleports herself onto the couch again* K! Love you <33
thanks for readin’